"What?! No obviously not! It's like she was never gonna see you guys again!" He raises his hands up to his chest, shaking his head.

"I-I should probably go too, it's getting late" Mia shrugs. "I'll see you at school on Monday Carmen! Bye Quinn!" She waves, as soon as she turns away from the two, worry paints her face.

She was scared that this was gonna happen to her, it also made her realize that she isn't the only one with a bad family.

She felt bad for Ronnie.

"A-Am I never gonna see her again? What the heck?! What just happened?!" Carmen places her fingers in her hair, the cross hangs next to her head. She looks at it, then where she last saw the car.

"Let's get inside, I'll tell Dan what just happened" Quinn shoves her inside the house, closing the door behind the too and then going to Dan's room.

Carmen sits on the couch, muttering possibilities as she looks at the cross. She was worried about Ronnie.

"So how do you know Ronnie's gone..?" Dan asks quietly, Quinn shrugs.

"I-I don't know..! It was like some fucking Disney movie! She said I love you and threw a necklace at Carmen..!" Quinn explains to Dan. "And it looked like she was about to cry..!" It was all in a hushed tone, they didn't want Carmen to hear.

There's another knock on the door, all three of them freeze. "I-I'll get it!" Carmen stands up from her spot on the couch, the necklace still in her hand, she walks over to the door.

She opens it and stares at the boy, annoyed. "Cac-- Carmen" Alex plays with his fingers, his hands held together at his waist.

"What do you want Alexis?" She glares at him, gripping the door handle.

"Uh.. I saw what happened with Ronnie.. an-and.. uh, my mom is friends with her mom and apparently her mom had to move away.. I-I thought you would want to know, you looked confused.." Alex explains nervously, scratching the back of his head.

Dan and Quinn were peaking around the cornering. "Something tells me this kid isn't actually a bully.." Dan whispers.

"Yeah, I think he's just unintentionally rude.." Quinn nods, also speaking in a whisper.

Carmen holds back her tears. "T-Thanks.." she shakes her head. "Was that.. um.. all?"

"Mhm.." Alex hums, looking down at his feet. Carmen closes the door. "Ah-- oh.."

She let's her tears fall from her eyes, she sits with her back against the door as she sobs, her knees to her chest. Alex could hear her through the door.

"Carmen.. it's okay.. you have Mia! You'll get through it" Dan rushes over to her. "I'll buy you a car if you stop crying?" He shrugs. She doesn't stop crying, he sighs, he felt bad but he was glad she didn't stop at that.

"S-She was my first friend.." Carmen chokes out. "Mia's great and all.. but Ronnie was the only person in that school who didn't laugh at me.." she remembered when she explained the "chocolate incident" to the two, Mia had burst out laughing, apologizing after.

Mia never really knew what emotion she was supposed to be feeling sometimes, she had gotten so used to "being happy" that it's just her main emotion, that's why people got mad at her sometimes.

Dan and Quinn look at each other. Quinn gasps, snapping his fingers. "Facebook!"

"What..?" Carmen lifts her head, sniffling and wiping her tears.

"Last week you made that Facebook account and you became her friend! You guys can always talk on there!" Quinn smiles, thinking he was the best brother alive.

Carmen's eyes widen. "I-I can!" She stands up, throwing her arms around Quinn and squeezing him.

"You're crushing my life organs..!" Quinn wheezes, Dan smiles at the two, even if they were step siblings they were still the best siblings Dan had ever seen.

"Can I have the laptop?" Carmen asks Dan after "killing" her brother.

"Well, she's probably packing her bags or on a plane or something right now.." Dan crosses his arms.

"Oh right! But.. but can I just send a message to her so she can get back to me when she can?" She looks up at Dan, he nods and goes to his room to retrieve his laptop. "Thank you!" Carmen snatches the laptop from his hands, sitting down on the couch and opening it, quickly signing into Facebook.

Hey Ronnie, I got the news from Alexis about you moving, message me when you can <3

Now she just had to wait.

She stares at the screen, seeing Alex's account on the people you might know. She sits up straight. "What?" Quinn sits down next to her.

"Nothing.. just thinking.." she mumbles, she places her finger on the mouse pad. "Alexis told me.. that was nice" she shakes her head, signing out and shutting the laptop. "Here you go Dad!"

Dan takes it from her. "Thanks Carmen, how about we get take out? You choose" He smiles at her, she nods, wiping the faint tear streaks from her face.

"What was I thinking?"


Froggie speaks!
It'll all be fine in the end, trust me

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