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Don't come for me okay
I know it's been a while...

Me and Billie finished our shower and got dressed. We went out of the bathroom and walked downstairs. We were met with aunt may setting the table and uncle Brice, and Ethan watching football "want some help aunt may?" I ask and she looks up from the table "no it's okay, just watch tv with the boys"

I tell her 'okay' and that if she needs help to call me in there. I sit down beside Billie and wrap my arm around her and she lays her head on my shoulder. She looks up at me and smiles "what?" I giggle "I love you" she rests her chin on my shoulder "I love you too angel" I kiss her forehead and then her temple "okay you two are adorable but you need to come eat" aunt may smiles "Ethan, Brice you too" she added

We all stand up and walk to the table "thank you aunt may, it looks really good" I say and she smiles "yeah thank you you did a really great job from what I can tell by looking at it" Billie said and smiled at her, aunt May's smile gets even bigger "well aren't you two the sweetest, thank you" she says and starts to eat, everyone else doing the same.


Everyone was nearly done with their food when Billie speaks up "hey, so I just wanted to thank you guys for letting me be here and come ride your horses, I know you don't really know me, and you just know me as y/n's girlfriend, but I still wanted to thank you." Aunt may, and uncle Brice both looked up at her "you're welcome sweetheart" she reaches over to billie across the table and put her hand on Billie's "I'm glad y/n introduced us. You are a very sweet girl and y/n is very, very lucky to have you" aunt may smiles and removes her hand

I smile at her comment "I know right, she's so perfect it's unreal" I say and lean down and kiss billies temple again and she blushes and looks down "you guys are welcome to come over and ride the horses anytime" uncle Brice says with a smile "really guys thank you for everything. I know I haven't contacted you or you know, reached out in a while and there's no excuses for that and I'm sorry. I really appreciate you letting us just come up here out of the blue."

"Hey it's all good y/n, you and Billie are welcome anytime I mean we have the spare bedroom for a reason." Uncle Brice stands up with his plate and everyone else does too "I'm helping you clean up aunt may, I won't take no for an answer" I say and grab Billie, and Ethan's plate and take it to the sink and start to wash the dishes "y/n-" "nope" I interrupt her "I'm helping" she smiles and nods "okay okay, I guess I don't have a choice do I?"

She starts to empty out the plates and stuff in the garbage "no, no you don't, and I'm taking the trash out too" she giggles and places the empty dishes in the sink "alright y/n"


We are all sitting on the couch and watching tv when Uncle Brice, and Aunt May stand up "alright guys it's-" she checks her phone "-10:47, we're going to bed. There's extra blankets in the guest room and there's a tv and stuff in case you guys wanna stay up a bit longer" Ethan stands up and starts heading up to his room then stops on the first step of the stairs and turns around. He runs up to me and wraps his little arms around my waist and puts his head on my stomach because he's too short to reach any higher "good night y/n, I love you" he smiles and closes his eyes

"Good night Ethan, I love you too" he looks up at me then smiles and lets me go "good night you guys, we love you both" uncle Brice kisses me and Billie on the head, aunt May following behind him "love you too" Billie and I say simultaneously and then aunt may giggles and looks between us both "you guys are my new favorite couple" she smiles and then turns to walk up the stairs. me and Billie giggle to ourselves and head up to the guest bedroom

We get in there and I shut the door and lock it, and Billie finds the remote. I take my pants off and my bra, and socks, Billie doing the same. I get in the be and get under the covers and billie turns off the light and then gets under the covers, cuddling up to my side

"what do you wanna watch?" she asks "umm, the office" I say and she smiles and happily turns it on. The office comes on and billie turns the tv down a little then puts the remote on the bedside table. She cuddles back into me and wraps her arm around my stomach and puts her leg on top of my waist. "I love you angel" she makes little shapes on my stomach with her fingers "I love you too bubs" I put my hand on her thigh she has on my waist and rub my hand up and down

"Good night princess" I lean towards her and peck her lips "good night" she squeezes me tight and kisses my cheek then closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep, me following right after.


Ok well I have some news, I'm working on making a new book. I have completely lost motivation for this one. I'm not gonna publish the other one until I have a couple drafts for it... so I won't post for a little bit. I'm sorry for anyone who actually likes this book (idk why but anyway). I love you guys and thank you for the votes, and reads. I didn't expect this book to get popular like it did and I had no intention for it to, I was just bored.

(1045 words)

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