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It's been 2 days since the party. 

This chapter will be written from only Lo'ak's POV.


Last night Lo'ak and Tsireya hung out at Lo'aks house. They told Jake and Neytiri about what happened at the party, Tsireya described him for them. They are currently looking for the man.

Lo'ak POV:

Tsireya and I hung out last night, I woke up to find I was hugging her from behind. I was careful not to move. I didn't want to wake her up. Until she turned over and she bent her leg and put it in between my thighs. Her arm wrapped around me. She was pressed up against me. 

I wore shorts to bed, and she got hot in the middle of the night so she only has a bra and underwear on. Which I mean I'm not complaining about 😉 But I really need to pee but I don't wanna wake her up. She is so adorable when she sleeps. Man, I love her so much. She yawns and pushes her head into my chest, she opens her eyes. And she freaks out cause she opened her eyes and she just saw our tangled ass legs and well she got some great eye view of my ya know. But I had shorts on so it's fine. She looks at me and gives me a nice soft kiss on my lips. "Do you wanna go swimming?" she asks. "Sure". 

We get up and at this point we have gotten really comfortable with each other so she just changed her top right there. Not facing me but it's the same. I got up and I hugged her from behind. She laughed and spun around, her arms wrapped around my neck. My hands resting on her waist. We start kissing lots. I kissed her neck and stuff. Yeah.. sorta gave her some big hickeys but ya know, like everyone knows we are dating lol. 

Tsireya wrapped a blanket around her so she could change into her bottoms, since she still had some bruises she was wearing some of my shorts as well. She had finished so he handed me the blanket so I could change. I wrapped the towel around me. Tsireya stared at me the whole time, I turned red like DARK red. Istg she is doing something to me. Because my thingy decided it wanted to do its own thing and go hard mode. I literally panicked so hard. Since Tsireya was watching me she noticed that I was freaking out. "What's wrong babe?" She asked. I started dying of embarrassment. "Nothing babe" I said. "I know something is up". "What is it?" She asks. I put the blanket over my head and sat on the floor. Literally praying to eywa that it stops.

Tsireya was so confused so she got up and went under the blanket too. I had a spasm and tried to cover it as much as possible. EYWA PLEASE HELP ME BROOOO! "Lo'ak what are you doing?" She was still confused af. She got closer to me to try to see what I was covering. She saw 😭 I Literally wanted to jump off a fat tall cliff atp. "Lo'ak it's not that bad just come out now" She said. "Fine" I said still embarrassed.

"How does that even happen....I know why it can happen but like it's a bit emo that god made it so that happens". she giggled. "Well if it didn't happen it would be a lot harder to uhmmm yeah....."I said accidentally. She started cackling and dyeing on the floor. It's gone now which is good. Means we can go swimming now. Tsireya was feeling lazy so she made me carry her. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me. We were in the kitchen grabbing some apples. "Hey guys......" Dad said. I whisper to Tsireya "Imma put you down for a second ok babe" She whispers "ok babe".

"Why are you carrying her, is she having trouble walking 😉" He winked at me. "Dad no we didn't do that shes just a bit tired". Tsireya could hear us and she was turning dark red. "Ok then, have fun guys!" Dad said. "Bye Mr Sully" Said Tsireya. I picked Tsireya up again and she wrapped her legs around me. Neteyam was outside with Kiri and Ao'nung. "You two had fun last night?" Kiri asked winking at Lo'ak. "No we didn't Istg what is up with everyone". "Have you two not heard the rumors?". We stopped and looked at each other. "What rumors?" Tsireya askes. "Bro even your parents have heard it Tsireya" Neteyam said. "WHAT IS THE RUMOR!?" I yelled. "We are not going to be the ones to tell you guys" they said "Bye". They ran away. 

"Oh no Lo'ak I'm scared" Said Tsireya shakily. "Me too, but it will be ok" I said calming her down. We walked to the sand, I was still carrying her around. Everyone we saw was looking at us funny and whispering to their friends. I went to put her down but she wobbled and fell over. Everyone gasped and whispered more. I help her up and I piggy back her to the water. "Lo'ak I have a bad feeling about this" She says. "But we will be ok" I say giving her a soft kiss on the lips. Everyone was whispering again. 

Until some random teenage boy came up and asked "ARE THE RUMORS TRUE?" He yelled everyone heard him and were looking at them. " What rumor?!" I ask him. "OH never mind" He swam away. "Whatever" I said. "Babe can you hold me, I'm tired". "Sure babe" I picked her up and I had my hands tightly wrapped around her back. Everyone was yelling "GUYS ITS DEFINITELY TRUE!". Tsireya stormed out of the water and yelled "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON AND WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS RUMOR!" Everyone fell silent. I ran up to her and I held her hand. 

The girls that bully her came up and said "Uhm so this rumor, spread by us of course. Cause we saw Lo'ak carrying you home from the party... and so we thought that Lo'ak fucked you a bit to hard and then you couldn't even walk home. And you stayed at his house all day yesterday. And now he is still carrying you around, damn you guys really went hard at that party, so of course we were right" they said all with smiles the whole time. " I'm standing perfectly fine right now, you guys are so stupid, you have no idea what happened to me at that party. And just letting ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL of you guys know WE DIDN'T FUCK EACH OTHER AND WE NEVER HAVE!" Everyone laughed and said "yeah right!" or "have you seen your neck and your stomach babe!" "Babe you have hickeys all over you" I whispered. "Oh shit I forgot about that" She said. She was on the absolute verge of tears. 

The mean girls started to talk again, "we know you aren't telling the truth, you have bruises all over your wrists, ig Lo'ak had to hold you down because you kept squirming" They said and all the kids laughed. Tsireya ran away to Lo'ak's house and went inside. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS!" I scream at the girls. "We all know you fucked her REALLLLLLY hard" Another girl chimed in "yeah the whole party you guys were probably in the shed fucking each other". "You know that we are only 15?!" I said. "Yeah 15 and shes probably already pregnant" Everyone laughed. Lo'ak couldn't take this anymore he walked off raging mad to his home. Inside his room was Tsireya crying in Lo'ak's bed.

He took off his shorts and put on some boxers and hopped in his bed. He wrapped his arm around Tsireya. "Babe are you ok?" he asked. "I don't know why everyone hates me" She said sobbing into my chest. "No one hates you babe, and if they did they would be hating on the most perfect, gorgeous, funny, and smartest girl ever. Don't let them get to your head" I said. "I won't, I love you sm" She said. I died inside, she LOVES me ALREADY. 

I really just wanna start doing things with her. But ik it is probably too early to. I mean we are only 15. "I love you to Reya" I said softly. She wraps her arms around me and we fall asleep like that.

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