Chapter 26

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Good morning
I miss you

I glared at the good morning text on my phone as I stabbed my pancakes. It was like 6am in LA, why is he awake. "Hey! What did my Mickey Mouse pancakes do to you?" Ryan said, staring at me. "Ree Ree, sad." "I see that, Jamie." Ryan kissed her forehead and placed some eggs on her plate.

"My car is here." I mumbled, giving James a kiss on the head. "Text me." "You know I will." Ryan smiled as I rolled my suitcase out of the house and to the car that was taking me back to my apartment. The driver placed it in the car and drove off.

I strolled into my building and got into the elevator, pressing the 31st floor. The doors opened and I walked up to my neighbor's door and knocked lightly. "Reese! Good morning!" My neighbor, Kylie said much too enthusiastically. "Oliver!! Reese is here for Dodger!" She yelled at her 13 year old son who loved watching Dodger for Chris when they were in New York with me. "Hi Ms. Reese!" He smiled, walking into the living room with Dodger close behind. Dodger loved Oliver. "Did you guys have a good time?" I asked. "Oh yea. Dodger and I went to the skate park and he pulled me alllll the way around!" I smiled as Dodger ran up to me, sitting at my feet. "We also ran around Central Park and he helped me get the girl I like's number!" I pet Dodger on the head as Oliver was smiling between me and his mom. "Wow, what a good wing-dog." I laughed.

Oliver continued to tell me all about his and Dodger's week as he helped me bring up his things back to my apartment. "Did your premiere go well Ms. Reese?" "It went great, Oliver. Thanks for asking."

"Where's Mr. Chris?" "He had to stay in LA for a few more days. Do you know how much he usually gives you?" Oliver shrugs, "usually $200 a day." "I hope you're not extorting me kid." I laughed and walked into my room, pulling out $1000, and handing it to him. "You can give me less Ms. Reese, I like spending time with Dodger." I smiled and shook my head. "No, you earned it. Here." I handed him an extra $200 from my purse and he smiled. "Thanks! I'm gonna buy a new skateboard and more video games!" He beamed up at me.

"I saw Mr. Glen the other day at the park!" He said. My face dropped a little. Oliver loved Glen. Oliver's dad left when he was 7, and since moving in, Glen would take him out frequently for guys day to give his mom some time to herself. Not to mention she was always working nights as a nurse and would sometimes ask us to keep him overnight. "Yea?" "Yea. He promised to come around more, I miss him. But I like Mr. Chris too!" I think Oliver could tell that my mood shifted. "I- I mean -" "It's okay Oliver. I know you and Glen had a lot of memories. I'm sorry."

"Maybe Mr. Chris can come with me to the skatepark one day?" He walked closer to me and pulled me into a hug. "I think Mr. Chris would love to join you Oliver." I returned his hug and gave him a small smile. "Go on." I ruffled his hair and pushed him playfully.

He smiled and ran out of the apartment. "Bye!" "Bye Oliver!" I shouted as the door shut.

I looked at Dodger who was looking up at me and wagging his tail. "I hope you know I'm not taking you for a run in Central Park or letting you pull me around on a skateboard." I laughed and he barked. "Lets send your dad a photo."

Good morning :)
Look who I just picked up

ReeseGood morning :)Look who I just picked up

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