Chapter 10

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"Do you really have to go?" I hold onto Chris' waist as he tries to leave my apartment. "I wish I didn't." He placed a quick kiss on my head and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "I'll be back in 3 days." "Can't I just come with you?" "You want to?" He pulled away and looked down at me. I nodded slowly and he smiled, pressing a kiss to my lips. "If you're coming, you have 10 minutes to pack a bag." I pulled away from him and quickly kissed him before retreating into my room and grabbing my carry on suitcase.

I threw a few change of clothes in my bag along with my makeup and toiletries. I also packed a few outfits to go out in because I figured Chris and I would go to dinner and Lizzie would no doubt make me go out with her.

"Ready?" I nodded and grabbed Chris' hand. We walked out of my apartment and I quickly locked the door behind me. "Shit. I was supposed to help Ryan decorate the house for Blake tonight." I paused before we reached the elevator and quickly called him.

"Hey Reese's Pieces, what's up?"

"How much do you love me?"

"What do you want?"

"Nothing. Don't hate me."

"No promises..."

"Chris flew in for Valentines Day, as you know, and I know I said I'd decorate the house for you while you took Blake to dinner but I'm about to go to Atlanta with Chris."


"I know! What if I send an expert?"

"Fine. Give me Dakota's number."

"Love youuuu. Bye! Have a good dinner with Blake tonight!"

"Yea, yea love you too."

I smiled up at Chris and placed my phone in my leggings pocket. "Problem solved." I quickly shot Dakota a text asking her to help out, which of course, she agreed. Chris grabbed my hand as we stepped into his Uber that was taking us to the airport.

A couple of hours later, Chris and I arrived in Atlanta. Naturally there were paparazzi outside taking photos...but neither of us really cared at this point. Chris led me into the car that was waiting for him, gripping onto my hand tightly. "You okay? I wasn't expecting them." I nodded and smiled at him, "they were going to get pictures anyway." He gave me a quick kiss and settled into his seat.

"Welcome to the official Avengers hotel." Chris extended his hand to me and helped me out of the car. "No paparazzi here. Completely secret." He grabbed my bag from the trunk and walked me inside and up to his room. "This is a nice room." I smiled at him as he pushed my bag aside. "Yea? I think it's better because you're in it." Chris walked up to me and pulled me into his chest. He started pushing me back towards the bed. I fell backwards as he hovered over me, starting to trail kisses down my neck.

He was about to remove my loose white tank top before there was a loud knock on the door. "Who the hell could that be." He groaned and pushed off of the bed and walked over towards the door. He opened it slightly and Lizzie barged in, pushing him out of the way, running over to me and tackling me on the bed. "You brought my best friend to me!" She yelled, laying on top of me. I laughed and wrapped my arms around her as she got comfortable half on top of me and half of her body on the bed. "Yea, can I have my girlfriend back Liz?" She shook her head, "Nope." Chris groaned and walked into the bathroom.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?!" She asked, slapping me on the arm. "I didn't know! It was a last minute decision." I laughed and she shrugged, "Well, I'm glad you're here. OH! We can go out with Sebastian, Anthony, Scarlett, Robert, Jeremy, Chris number 2 and 3, and Tom!" Chris walked out of the bathroom as Lizzie was listing all of their different co-stars. "Yea that's great Liz, she can do all of that later. Later, after she does other things." I roll my eyes at him as he stands at the foot of the bed impatiently waiting for her to leave. "You just want to have sex." "Yea. Sooo...Bye." Lizzie groaned and pushed herself off the bed. "I'll be coming to get her at 8pm Evans." He saluted her and ushered her out of the door quickly.

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