Joffron (female Joffrey)

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Jocelyn woke up warm and happy. She sighed and snuggled into her pillow to try and go back to sleep before she realized that her pillow wasn’t her pillow. It was Daeron’s shoulder. That’s when she remembered the previous night. She smiled softly, turning her head so her smile was pressed into his bicep.

She was both glad and a bit saddened that he had to ask if she loved him. Things had been great between the two of them since he’d returned to King's Landing, but it was also like they’d been stuck in limbo. He’d basically moved in with her in her apartment. They were together all the time, and more often than not, they crawled into bed with each other at the end of the day or made it into bed together in the middle of the night. They’d also kissed a few times but only ever soft and quick goodnight or good morning kisses. Nothing like either of them wanted, not that they’d admitted that to each other. They hadn’t talked about where they would go from here or what their lives could look like if they were actually together.

She knew she was difficult to read, anders casual intimacy wasn’t exactly her strong suit, but she’d hoped that by now, Daeron could understand the depth of her feelings for him. And maybe the reason he asked was because he was tired of the limbo too, or maybe he really didn’t understand how she felt. She lazily draped an arm over his stomach, smiling and laughing softly to herself when he sighed sleepily and snuggled into her side when she tightened her grip on his waist She swore that, once he woke up and they continued with their day, she’d make things right.


By the time he drifted into consciousness, she’d shifted to lean against the headboard and was reading.

Morning, beautiful.” he mumbled, muffling a yawn into his pillow before rolling onto his back.

Morning. How’d you sleep?” she asked softly, putting her book down and letting her hand fall to run her fingers through his hair. She smiled when his eyelids fluttered shut, and he sighed softly.

Good.” he mumbled, forcing his eyes open again to look at her.

She watched a smile take over his face as he likely remembered what had happened the night before as well, but he didn’t say anything.

Breakfast?” she asked a few moments later when he still hadn’t said anything.

Sure.” he said, moving to get out of bed before she stopped him with a hand on his chest.

Don’t. You stay, I’ll cook.” she smiled, letting her thumb rub circles on his side before she crawled out of bed herself and headed down to the kitchen.

She was in the middle of frying eggs and sausage when she heard heavy footsteps descending the stairs and couldn’t help but smile when she watched Daeron round the corner, wrapped in a blank He came right up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist as she flipped the sausage patties with a spatula, nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck. Still, he didn’t say anything or ask what was going on, but he pressed a soft kiss to her cheek as they swayed slightly back and forth. He stayed close until she nudged him gently in the ribs so she could move to plate their breakfast.

They ate in silence on the couch with Jocelyn’s feet draped over Daeron’s lap until he finished and set his plate aside.

Okay. What's in your mind beautiful?” he finally asked, glancing over at her as she sipped her juice.

What?” she replied, still not sure how to say everything she wanted to say.
You’re acting differently. Something’s wrong.” he pointed out, but she shook her head.

Nothing’s wrong. I just wanted to do something nice for you.” she admitted shyly, a pink flush colouring her cheeks. He tilted his head to the side, silently observing her before reaching to take her hand.

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