2. Lily's Revelation

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              Sirius's Son Harry James Black

                        Lily's Revelation

Lily sat on the edge of her bed, a pillow clutched tightly to her, and her knees drawn up. She didn't look up when the door opened and James entered.

"What was that?" he asked.

"What was what?" she answered dryly.

"That. Downstairs. With Sirius."

"That was my normal reaction to the man."

James stepped closer, leaning casually against the bedpost. "You know what I mean. I'll admit that he shouldn't have said what he did, but you shouldn't have either."

Lily scowled at him.

"No, really. I know he's not the most responsible person in the world. . . Believe me, I know," James said, thinking back to all the times Padfoot's immaturity landed at least half of the Marauders in detention. "But you gotta agree, he is trying. I haven't seen him this excited about. . . anything since him, me, and Peter became Animagi.

"You should be happy," he finished after a pause.

"Happy about what?" Lily asked, feeling the tears begin to build up again. "That we've already started replacing our child with one that's not even ours?"

James inhaled as he realized what this was really all about. Slowly, he sat down next to his wife, and placed a gentle, comforting hand on her knee. "It wasn't your fault."

Downstairs, Sirius was still feeding Harry when the fireplace erupted in green flames.

"James?" a familiar voice called throughout the house. "Prongs, are you in?"

Looking down at Harry, Sirius smiled and walked to the fireplace. "Moony! Get over here!" he excitedly told the head of his fellow Marauder.

Appearing only slightly surprised that Sirius was at the Potters', Remus Lupin nodded and his head disappeared. The next moment, he was standing in the living room next to Padfoot.

Grinning like a madman, Sirius said, "Remus, meet Harry." and held out the still eating infant for Moony to see. "Harry, this is your Uncle Moony."

Remus' face was filled with affection as he carefully took the child into his own arms. "Harry, eh?"

Sirius nodded. "Harry James."

"So Lily was pregnant then," he said, nodding slightly, and not taking his eyes off the beautiful child.

"Lily?" Sirius said with surprise. "Moony, Harry's mine."

Remus looked up, question clearly in his amber eyes.

"Why is everyone finding this so hard to believe?!"

"It's not that I don't believe you," Remus said slowly, trying to think of the right thing to say next. "It's just. . . surprising, is all. You usually want nothing to do with responsibility, and, well. . ." He indicated the baby. "This is the biggest responsibility you'll ever have."

Sirius raised a skeptic eyebrow to his friend's reasoning.

Changing the subject, Remus asked, "So who's the mother?"

"Haven't the foggiest."

"You mean you don't know?" Moony questioned indignantly.

"That's what I just said, wasn't it?" Sirius stated under his breath, knowing the question was meant to be rhetorical and that his werewolf friend wasn't done.

Sirius's Son Harry Black Where stories live. Discover now