Chapter 2: Plans

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Her eyes widened.
She didn't know this man. How did he seem to familiar? When he said that name, something inside of her seemed to click into place, and she responded very quietly, "...Decim?"

Quickly realizing that what he did was a mistake that could cost him his job, he took a step back and lowered his gaze to the ground.
"I'm terribly sorry. You only reminded me of an old friend of mine."

She slowly nodded, her gaze traveling down as well. "It's okay. I guess you remind me of someone too. But I really can't put my finger on who you remind me of.. you just look so familiar. Your voice, too. Have we met before?"

Decim really wanted to say yes, but he couldn't. If he did, Nona and Oculus would surely beat him.
"I am sorry, but we have not."

The girl looked up at him, studying his face.
"..Well, even so, I know you now. What's your name? I'm Chihane."

"..I would like to be referred to as Seiru," Decim responded. If he would've given his real name, she'd figure things out quickly. Her soul was like that: able to detect the truth without being told it, and without a hint.

"Well, Seiru," Chihane said with a smile, sticking her hand out, "it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
Decim blinked, slowly sticking his own hand out and giving hers a shake. How odd.

"Well, Seiru, I had fun dancing with you tonight. You seem like a really fun person, so can we do this again?"

He looked up, his expression blank.
"I suppose so."

After a moment of silence and Chihane just standing there smiling, she added, "There's this really good cafe nearby. Could we go there sometime?"

"..Oh, yeah. I guess we could."

"Great, then it's a date. Meet you there tomorrow at noon? The cafe's called 'Mako's Coffee Hut'. See ya there!"
Chihane spun on her heel and headed down the sidewalk, waving goodbye to him as she went. Decim raised his hand and gave a little wave back.

What had he just gotten himself into?

A/N: Short, short chapter! Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll update very soon, so please don't hate me. I wasn't really sure where to end the chapter otherwise. Chapter 3 will start off at ChiyuChihane and Decim's date!

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