Chapter 15: The Spire

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The Spire - Part One

The Ministry

The chimes of midnight echoed throughout the Ministry, the world outside the unholy church had surrendered to slumber. The hallways were silent, the clergy were elsewhere. The night was peaceful, but someone moved amongst the shadows. Papa Emeritus IV had returned to the Ministry after spending a couple of months on tour, he was happy to be back home. His welcoming had been pleasant, but someone he adored was missing from the family dinner. But he knew where to look, The Spire was his true homecoming.

Copia had finished his audition tape, the night now belonged to him. Venturing through the unholy church he soon found the door he had been seeking, he couldn't contain his excitement anymore. Seeing the wooden door not far ahead of him caused a skip in his step, he couldn't wait to see her again. He longed for warm nights and sweet embraces, he hungered for lustful encourages between the sheets. But what he mostly wanted was company, he felt lonely on tour even if he was surrounded by his ghouls and ghoulettes. Stopping in front of the door his fingers curled around the iron handle, he then he pushed it downwards. The door creaked while he partly opened it, looking both ways down the hallway he slipped unnoticed into the stairway. A spiralled stone stairway lay ahead of him, he didn't have far to go now. His footsteps echoed throughout the tower, the scent of the night lingered in the stairway. Higher and higher, the darkness crept around him. There was no light to guide his way, but a faint ray of light shone through an open doorway at the top of the of the tower.

Finally reaching the doorway his mismatched eyes explored the darkness, the room beneath the Spire was dusty and unused. Cobwebs hung from the wooden beams above him, every unsettling creak the room made caused his eyes to dart now and again. Boxes and old furniture were stored here, old paintings covered with dust sheets leaned against a wall. He could hear bats squeaking and the fluttering of wings in the highest parts of the Spire, but they weren't the only unholy things that lingered in this space. Three caskets lay side by side, their glass lids cover with black lace sheets. The dead slept here, three Papas side by side. Undisturbed by the living, not many people would entered this place after midnight. His attention was soon drawn to a lantern near an open arched doorway, an outline of a woman stood motionless at the tower's balcony. Her dark dress clung to her hourglass figure, the nape of her neck was showing since she had her hair tied up. She was unaware of his presence, but that's the way he liked it. He enjoyed watching her from the shadows, he wanted to surprised her.

Albany Emeritus, the Ministry child has she was mostly known amongst the Clergy. Abandoned on the Ministry steps forty-seven years ago she had been taken in by Papa Nihil. A letter mislead him into believing that she was his own, but Sister revealed the truth to him with a simple DNA test when the child turned four. Nihil had been distraught over the discovery, she was his favourite child. He loved all of his children equally, but she had spent most of her life at the Ministry with him. Sister had done it out of spite, she was still hurting from the night he had betrayed her. She hated him, she wanted him to suffer for the rest of his life. Even using an innocent child has a pawn in her wicked game pleased her deeply, she loved seeing him miserable.

Entering the room he approached his lover, avoiding the creaky floorboards he wanted to jump scare her. But his footing betrayed him, he managed to get his foot caught inside an old looking bucket. The floorboard creaked beneath his weight, he shook his foot. He wobbled around on one foot before he freed himself from the bucket, carelessly kicking it away he had no idea of the force behind his kick. The bucket flew across the room and out of the balcony's open doorway, he soon saw Albany crouching by the doorway when it bounced off the balcony's railing. The bucket tumbled over the edge of the railing, he had caused a little mishap.

Albany remained still with her hands covering her eyes, she dared not looked. The echoes of the bucket banging against the stone wall of the building filled her ears, she soon heard the bucket hitting the ground below the balcony. The tower went silent, the sounds of the night soon returned. Peering through her fingers she saw Copia standing not far away from the doorway, his gaze focused on his fidgeting hands he looked like a child waiting for a scolding. He was dressed in his onstage attire, his face paint was quite daunting in the darkness. Getting to her feet she looked over the balcony, her hands tightly gripping around the railing the ground below her was hidden by the night. She tried to registered what had just happened. She hadn't been expecting that little scare, but this wasn't the first scare she had received from him. He always sneaked up on her when she was unaware of his presence, it was his way of showing affection.

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