103. Forever and always

Start from the beginning

The room smelled too much like him.

Andrew nodded before standing up, Spencer grabbed the bottle and followed him out of the room.

They sat down on the couch, Spencer offered him a drink.

"I'll have what you're having."

She chuckled lightly before handing it to him.

He took a drink, shutting his eyes as the alcohol went down his throat.

"Bleh" he shook his head.

Spencer smiled before turning to look at her book shelf.

It was half empty, then she saw their photo.

She wished she had laser vision, she would have destroyed that photo.

Her fireballs would be too risky.

"What, is Harry enemy number one or something?" Andrew saw what she was looking at.

Spencer, with the lack of a wand, brought the picture to them and took off the charm, revealing her and Remus smiling.

Andrew shook his head, "what an ass."

She shook her head and decided to look at something else, she drew her eyes to her record player.

She looked at her collection below, her heart sank further.

"He forgot his records" she spoke.

Andrew looked over, seeing the bottom shelf full.

"At least it's not shitty music" he shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess" she asked for the bottle with her hand.

Andrew got drunk quick, he was a lightweight. Spencer was getting there slowly but surely.

She continued to drown in her sorrows for 20 minutes, staring at the picture of them until someone came in.

Snape shut the door harshly, walked into the living room, and stared at the two.

Andrew smiled at him, Spencer's eyebrows furrowed at the action.

"Leave" he told Andrew.

"He's my guest-" Spencer tried to argue.

"Woah- you see him?" Andrew asked Spencer, wide-eyed.

"Gross" she shut her eyes. "We're talking about this later" Spencer shook her head.

"No we are not" he shook his head.

"Dude!" Spencer was going to start speaking but Snape but her off by yelling.

"Now, Sandoval!"

His voice scared her, she flinched.

"I'm fine, go" she nodded at Andrew.

He sighed, "seriously, it's okay" she said.

He nodded before standing up. He almost fell but held onto the table, "later" he kissed her head before leaving.

Once Snape heard the door close, he looked at her and gave her an angry sigh.

"Good lord" she groaned, grabbing the bottle as she stood up and walked to the window.

The same place Remus was earlier that morning.

"Do not walk away from me-"

"I'll do what I want" she cut him off.

"Spencer- you can tru-"

"What- trust you? Seriously?"

He sighed, "not every man you let into your life is a bad guy you can't trust-"

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