The Grey Room

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Evelyn's P.O.V

"Girls be on your best behavior when these People come by!"Shout Headmistress Plumknicks

My friends and I call her Plumknickers because she's really old and she wears old granny knickers.I know because one time I was on a bike and I saw her hanging up the knickers on a washing line.Gross.I remember they had unicorns on them.She calls me childish!

When these people came inside I stood up calmly and bravely.I wanted to show them how confident I was.....I'm not really confident anymore.I try so hard not to cry.Three families gave me back up,like I'm item and they wanted a refund.Depressing.

"Hello I'm Jane Plumknicks!"Introduced Plumknickers.

"Hi,Nice to meet you I'm Georgia Karpenter"Said a really pretty woman.

"And I'm Grayson Karpenter,nice to meet you" Said the Man,showing off his pearly whites.

I sighed,I know I'm not gonna be adopted.I might as well give up in life.I walked through the long hallway walking passed all the other rooms before I reached mine.I share mine with Eliza the "beautiful girl" she thinks she's the girl who got thrown in the river from the queen. I wish I could just show off that its really me.

I plopped on top of my hard mattress staring at my Grey Room when Plumknickers barged in.

"Evelyn get down right now!" She shouted at me.

"Fine" I rolled my eyes and stomped back to the interview area.

Why should be down here when I know I'm not going to be picked?

"Yeah I want to talk to the girl in the shiny brown hair down the back"said Georgia.

When she said that she wanted to talk to me,my heart started racing!

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter!Be sure to follow me on Instagram and Twitter

Instagram- GeekyGabi



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