002 island rules, princess

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002island rules, princess

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island rules, princess

The first thing that hit Bianca was the sound

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The first thing that hit Bianca was the sound.

The sounds of birds, the sound of the sea crawling onto the sand. She could feel a million grains of sand underneath her feet and the cool breeze against her face. Then there was the tantalizing scent of washed-up waves, coconut, and saltwater all mixed into one.

"Okay, John B. Your turn. Truth or dare?"

Bianca's eyes fluttered open. She was in awe by how easily fantasy and reality intertwined at that moment. It was like continuing a dream after waking up. Only this wasn't a dream nor was it her idea of paradise. To her, this was purgatory.

She was constantly waiting— wondering whether they would die on this island or if someone would come to rescue them, only to find out about the horrible, gruesome deed she committed and condemn her to hell. It was torture.

As the sun began to set and the evening breeze took its course, the Pogues gathered around the unlit fire pit. On the island, there weren't many ways to pass time other than scouring for resources and picking each other's brains. Fortunately, truth or dare seemed to be a game they were all pleased to play.

Kiara nudged Bianca who blinked, "I'm awake," She accidentally fell into a microsleep after her turn, something JJ noticed happening more and more often.

Bianca wasn't sure when the last time she slept through a whole night was. Her eyes were bloodshot, and they burned. Not from the seawater but from insomnia.

The nightmares were forever etched into the blacks of her eyelids like a white-hot branding. It must've been over a month ago because ever since arriving on the island, sleep no longer came easy to the girl.

"Alright, alright," John B stood up, his arms outstretched. "Truth."

"Truth?" Sarah handed him the makeshift hat she'd woven out of palm leaves.

"Truth!" He demanded.

"This is exciting," Cleo muttered sarcastically. They had chosen truth the past five times, all having exhausted themselves after their hard work.

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