Log Two: Hunters and Secrets

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Chris and I made our way back to the main hall where Jill and Albert currently were. At least we hoped they were still there. We ran into more zombies along the way, but thanks to our new weapons, they weren't much of an issue. I blasted a zombie away from me before reloading my gun and pumping it to make sure a round was chambered.

Chris was right behind me, and peered over my shoulder and saw something shining.

"What's that?" He asked, causing me to look at it.

It was a pin with Umbrella's logo on it, with a drop of blood stained on it. Judging by that alone, the person wearing it was either dead or walking around gorging on a corpse. I grabbed it and placed it in my pocket and we kept moving. The hallway was stained a deep scarlet thanks to the blood that had soaked into the carpet and stained the walls, and it smelled like death, but we pressed on. That's when we heard something break the glass behind us.

I turned around to see a Cerberus barking at us, ready to pounce. I pulled out my handgun as I didn't want to waste the shotgun shells on one thing. The Cerberus was a doberman originally. They were an excellent breed to use in experiments but part of me hated turning a dog that didn't deserve such treatment be turned into an undead monster.

So after carefully aiming at the dog's head and firing as soon as it pounced at me, I nailed it in the head which killed it instantly. But I knew where was one Cerberus, four more were close behind.

"We should get moving." I said. "I don't fancy finding out if this thing is alone or not."

"Copy that." Chris replied.

The two of us kept moving through the mansion, taking out more infected that stood between us and our destination, but what Rebecca said still lingered in the back of my mind. If there was a traitor in here with us, then I knew who it was. After all, I knew him better then anyone in A.T.A.R.S., but it wasn't like Albert to just outright kill people like that.

No. I was kidding myself. Albert would do anything to get what he wanted. He was cold, ruthless, calculating. Everything I wasn't. That's why Spencer favored him over me and Alex.

At this time, I was beginning to question why Umbrella wanted to eliminate S.T.A.R.S. They already had Irons in their pocket, as well as an entire taskforce that answers only to them. If they wanted to, they could have sent the Umbrella Security Service to deal with the issue. But I guess they needed a scapegoat, and who better than the best the R.P.D. had to offer?

I shot another zombie in the head with my handgun and reloaded both my weapons. I was down to my last clip for my pistol, and only a handful of shells for my shotgun. Chris was in a similar situation. We weren't going to last long without supplies, so we split up and searched for ammo.

After some time, we found some and regrouped, and set off for our destination in relative silence. We kept our eyes peeled for any sort of movement, and sure enough, something showed up. One of Umbrella's B.O.W.s, taller then a grown man and covered with hard scales. It was reptilian in appearance and stood on two muscular legs with claws that could rip a person to shreds. I mentally cursed at our bad luck.

Of all the things we could have run into, why did we have to run into a fucking Hunter?

"What the fuck is that!?" Chris exclaimed.

"How about we shoot first and ask questions later!?" I yelled as I pulled my shotgun from my back and fired at the Hunter, but it managed to avoid the pellets and rushed after me.

Acting fast, I quickly rolled out of the way, but I still felt the wind of the attack brush over my head as it nearly took it off. Chris fired a shot at it with his shotgun and sent it back a bit, but it recovered and pounced at him. Unfortunately Chris wasn't as quick as I was and it managed to cut into his side and knock him to the ground. It raised its clawed hand up, poised to finish Chris off, but I blasted it apart, which made it howl in pain, before turning to face me.

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