Log One: The Arklay Mansion

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It was in Raccoon Forest where everything happened. It was me, Chris, Jill, Barry, and of course, Albert. We also had one other person with us, but he didn't last very long.

"Anything?" I asked.

"Not yet." The guy replied. "I swear, this thing's seen better days."

"You can say that again." I agreed.

We had managed to find Bravo Team's chopper, but it was a derelict when we found it, and looked like someone tore the fuck out of it. I had a feeling I knew what had.

That's when we found the pilot's body. Looked like he had been mauled to death and eaten a bit, as chunks of flesh were missing from his body. Some of the places had so much torn off, I could see bone.

"I think we just found some of Bravo." I said, very disturbed by this. I knew that Umbrella's B.O.W.s were vicious, but this was brutal.

"Wesker to Redfield. Chris, you there?" I radioed.

"Chris here. I read you, Isaac. What's up?" Chris responded.

"We found a body in the helicopter. A member of Bravo." I reported. "Looks like he was mauled to death and eaten. It's... Messy."

"Damn it. Alright, we're moving deeper into the woods to see if we can find the rest of Bravo." Chris replied. "We'll meet up there. Redfield out."

"Roger that. Wesker out." I said. I spared one last look to the pilot.

"Poor bastard." I muttered before I left with my partner.

After a few minutes, we reconvened with the rest of Alpha and moved deeper into the forest. Albert and I shot each other a knowing glance as we moved.

We kept moving, until we suddenly heard a gunshot come from behind us. We turned and saw a pack of Cerberuses drag my former partner to the ground as they bit into him as he screamed.

His screaming led to him randomly firing his shotgun, trying to get them off him. But all he managed to hit was a nearby tree. After what seemed like an eternity, his screaming started to die down and the last sound he made was a choked gurgle, before life left him.

Jill looked horrified by the scene as the Cerberuses began eating him. I was also a bit shaken, and I had seen these things in action before. But Albert? If I didn't know better, it seemed like he didn't give a shit. But he simply found the scene fascinating.

I went to try and collect Jill and keep moving, but I stepped on a twig, causing it to snap and alert one of the Cerberuses to our presence. A mentally scolded myself for being so careless, and pulled out my handgun and fired at the dog.

It pounced at Jill, but Chris managed to put the thing down, but the gunshots drew the attention of the rest of the pack, and we all did the most sensible thing we could have at the time. We ran our fucking asses off.

With a pack of literal zombie dogs trying to bite our asses off, we just bolted. I fired a few rounds behind us, saving Barry from a Cerberus by nailing it in the head, before resuming my sprint, before I heard a gunshot and felt something hit my back.

It was another Cerberus. I gave Barry a small nod, which he returned, before we both just ran for it, taking out any Cerberus that got close. Up ahead, I saw a mansion.

"Up ahead!" I yelled.

"Fuckin' finally!" Barry exclaimed.

Suddenly, something pounced at Barry, but he narrowly dodged the thing. I didn't get a good look at it, but it certainly wasn't a Cerberus.

"Isaac!" Jill yelled. "This way!"

I ran for the door, the pack of Cerberuses on my heels, and managed to make it inside and slammed the door behind me. The loud thud on the door from the pack slamming into it had me worried for a bit, but soon it ceased as they had seemingly given up. I mentally sighed with relief and did a quick head count.

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