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Greatjon scoffed in response. Robb looked uneasy as he saw the Frey riders getting closer.

"At least take some men with you, Lord Robb." Harold suggested.

"My father would do whatever it took to secure our crossing. Whatever it took." He glanced at his mother who was looking at the riders, worried. "If I'm going to lead an army, I can't have other men doing my bargaining for me."

"I agree." Catelyn said before pausing. "I'll go."

"You can't!" Robb protested.

"I have known Lord Walder since I was a girl. He would nevr harm me." Catelyn stated firmly.

"Unless there was a profit in it..." Greatjon muttered, causing the others to look at each other, worried.

"I'm not comfortable risking that." Robb told her.

The Frey riders had finally reached Robb's host. After speaking with Robb, they agreed to escort his mother to speak with Lord Walder.

[The Twins - Main Hall]

Lord Walder Frey, an elderly man in his early nineties, was sitting down in the main hall. With him was a very young girl - his wife, Joyeuse Erenford, who was no older than fifteen. He was surrounded by his many children and grandchildren, both trueborn and baseborn.

Catelyn stood in front of him, feeling many eyes on her.

"What do you want?" Lord Walder asked.

"It is a great pleasure to see you again after so many years, my Lord."

"Oh, spare me. Your boy's too proud to come before me himself. What am I supposed to do with you?"

As he was speaking to her, he was groping Joyeuse's bottom, which she clearly does not like.

Walder's firstborn son and heir, Ser Stevron Frey, spoke up.

"Father, you forget yourself. Lady Stark is here -"

"Who asked you? You're not Lord Frey yet, not until I die. Do I look dead to you?""

One of Walder's bastards, Ryger Rivers, also spoke up.

"Father, please -"

"I need lessons in courtesy from you, bastard? Your mother would still be a milkmaid if I hadn't squirted you into her belly."

The was an uncomfortable pause where Catelyn briefly looked away. Walder turned to face Catelyn again.

"All right, you come forward."

He waved her towards him. Catelyn warily approached him and offered him her hand, which he took and kissed, but smacked his lips on her hand. Catelyn was clearly less than thrilled.

"There. Now that I've observed the courtesies, perhaps my sons will do me the honor of shutting their mouths."

Several of his children looked away, embarrassed. Catelyn looked around at them before looking back at Walder.

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