part 6!! :D "..I don't even know you!"

Start from the beginning

"Ooh alright.. well i also wanted to ask.. are you and ran dating now? Cus he mentioned something about kissing someone n shit "

"Oh- uh hold on-"

I grab my phone and texted mark quickly

Hey Hun? Tubbo is on call w/ me and he asked if we are dating idk how to respond-

Oh- just tell him we are he might be surprised but I'm fine w/ telling him

Alr see ya later. Ily<3

Ly too <3


"Srry someone texted me- umm what was the question?"

"Are And ran dating?"

"Uh yeah-.."

"*Ghasp* yes!! Oh my god. TOM!" He was excited and yelled out to Tom

"WHAT?" I hear Tom yell back




" I knew it! I knew they'd get together!"

"I'm still on call with y/n by the way"

"Hey y/n!"

"Hey Tom- uh can you guys explain please"

"Oh right sorry. We made a bet with one of our other friends that you guys would get together and me and Tom get 20£ each because you two are dating"

"What- wait hold on your made a bet on us?!"

"Yeah- well I'll talk to you later" Toby replied and ended the call

"Well I guess I'll text Mark now" I said to myself whilst grabbing my phone.


Hey Hun :)

Hey :D

I'm done so if you wanna go to the park

Alright I'll be there in a bit I need to change rq

Alr so do I
See ya later<3

Cya<3 :D


I changed quickly and texted mark to meet half way so we can go together and I can give him the board early.

After hanging out at the park for a bit we went to a small store and I noticed someone..

'oh god it's her again..'

"Hey love?"


"I need to go to the bathroom real quick" Mark said and left

'shit please don't walk up to me..'
She walked up to me. And grabbed my hand
"Heeyyyy~" she said pulling me down by the arm trying to kiss me and I keept pulling away

"Let me go! I don't even know you!" I yelled at her
The cashier walked up to us
"What's going on here?" They asked
"He's hurting meee" she said clearly still holding my arm tightly
"Oh shut up you won't leave me the fuck alone and you're clearly still holding my hand now let me go!"
I pulled away finally breaking free my arm as really red.
Thankfully Mark came back soon enough.  "Hey lo-ve.. why the fuck is she here"
"Apparently she was harassing him."

"Oh I see listen here you little shit. Touch my boyfriend again and I'll call the cops on your ass for harassment and sexual assault."

"But he hurt mee" she whined
"Oh really?? I hurt you?? Look at my fucking arm it's red and practically purple. You wouldn't let go and Kept trying to kiss me even though I said I wasn't interested and I don't even know you. I yelled.
She contacted whining and complaining that I did something to her.
"Ma-am. Ma-am. Listen if you continue whining and causing a scene I will have to kick you out of the store."
"Ughh fine! I'll leave. you all are stupid and anoying."

She finally left.

"Thank you-"

"Caroline, they/them"

"Thanks again Caroline"

"Of course! If you'd like I can get you guys some pins and stickers the next time you visit! My friend owns a small business so if you'd like. You won't have to pay anything it's on me"

"Oh sure why not I'd love to support your friend!"
I happily replied

"Wonderful! I'm looking forward to seeing you guys again."

"Mhm. We appreciate your help with yknow."

"No problem."

We got done shopping and they were really nice. After that we went to my place and Mark stayed over for a bit.

"Hey Mark, I'm not sure if my friend will be able to come over and I really wanna see him again.. it's the only time I get to see him almost all year long and he's my best friend"

"Hey, love, I'm sure he'll make it. Don't worry, plus I'm still gonna come over.I'm definitely not here as long as he is for you but I'm sure that he'll try and find a way to get here any way he can. You're his best friend. Trst me. And if he can't come tomorrow I'm sure he'll figure something out."

"Thanks.. you should head home now it's getting late."

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow then. And I'm sure Sam will make it as well. And I have a surprise for you tomorrow." He grabbed his bagg and left with the skate board. I let him take i to since I have one already and he deserves it he helped me a lot to feel more comfortable and helped me when I made stupid decisions or when I got hurt.

He's amazing in every shape and form I can think of.

| Done! Its shorter than I'd want it to be but its something. Considering how long it took me to write this its quite a disappointment to me but I don't want to keep y'all waiting so it it what it is Ig. Im working on a nother book now that I've just been focused on so I think that's why it's taking a while for me to get motivation for this one. But I hope you enjoyed this and I'll hopefully see you soon enough in the next part. Byye<3 |

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