part 6!! :D "..I don't even know you!"

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{y/n pov}
(A few days later)

I fell asleep during class and woke up to Mark standing next to me

"Dude get up we still have like 2 classes left we'll be late"

"Huh?.. oh shit- right sorry"


He helped me put my stuff away into my bag and we got our stuff for next class on our way some one walked up to us

"Hii! You're y/n right?"

"Uhh.. yeah"

"Oh my god you're so tall"
She said grabbing my arm and saying..
"You look so good today"

"Um please let go of him."
Mark said in a bit of a pissed off tone

"Oh c'mon why should I listen to you."

"Listen here. Let go of my arm or I will not hesitate to get sent to the office again. Now scram"

"Ugh whatever"

She walked away and we just continued walking.

"She's a bitch."
Mark said as we walked.

"Yeah. I will gladly go to the office if she dose something like that."

"Yeah just.. I don't know"

I stopped and grabbed his arm

"Hey.. don't worry I promise it'll be fine"

He nodded and we continued walking

(After school)

"Hey y/n!"

"Hey Hun" I said with a smile


"Yup! is there something wrong?"

"I- um no no not at all I was just surprised"

"Right sorry-"

"we should get going though I don't wanna see that bitch again"



"Oh god.."

"Heyyy y/n-boo" she said hugging my arm

"Let go of him." Mark said looking mad like really mad.

"And why should I? What are you gonna do about it mask boy"

Saying that he pulled his mask down and kissed me on the lips. I was stunned

"Now leave before I kick your ass"

"Eeww ugh you weren't that good looking anyway." Saying that she stomped away angrily

After that I was just standing there dumfounded and flustered.
I was as red as a tomato

"Uh- y/n? You okay?"

"Huh? Yup totally-y heh ya"

"Oh- pfft" he laughed in realisation

"Fuck you man. Let's get going now I need to clean my house for tomorrow. Then we can go to the skatepark later."

"Yeah yeah alright."

I got to my house and cleaned a bit and also got some snacks from the store while on my way home which I put away for tomorrow. After I was done I got a call from tubbo on discord

I answered

"Hey y/n! I was wondering why ran hasn't been online for a bit on his twitch"

"Oh I told him to take a break because he went to sleep at 5am that day and he said he'll take a break for a few weeks or so before streaming again with a different schedule"

{|ranboo X male reader|} (Discontinued!!)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن