Chapter 2 - A Whole New World

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Decades Later...

The morning began to phase out in Brisbane, Queensland as a helicopter flew towards the city while the day transitioned to the afternoon showing a bright sun and beautiful blue skies, as both humans and bipedal dogs went on with their weekly routine. For the most part it was the same as yesterday, workers of different industries and careers were leaving from their lunch breaks, teenagers and adults were leaving or going into the local stores and shopping malls, buildings were being constructed thanks to construction workers, and lastly parents were taking their kids to either  school or the park to play.

But, out of all the places in Brisbane that were busy on this beautiful day, one orphanage was pretty close to being on par. "Next!" The caretaker of the orphanage yelled out to the kids as one proceeded to walk over to her. They were all waiting patiently in line for their turn, However one of the kids that was third in line standed out, looking out of place compared to the others.

He looked to be a fair skinned human with black bald fade hairstyle, purple sneakers with black outlines, blue jeans, a gray t-shirt with a cool looking space design on it, and finally he wore a blue jacket that was unzipped showing the design on the shirt. "Next!" The caretaker yelled again, He was in line waiting for his turn, listening to some music on his wireless earbuds while playing a game on his smartphone called Street Fighter: Duel as he was in the middle of a battle being unaware of the caretaker, calling for him. "Next!!" The caretaker yelled once again. "Oh shoot" he sprung up in realization that it was his turn to go talk and so he quickly paused his game while taking off his ear buds as he stepped forward.

"I'm here, I'm here" He said to the caretaker who responded by giving him a serious look on her face. "Hopefully I'm not late or anything... I might have forgotten to pay attention to the line" He added, only to receive the same response from her, as she then looked down at the paper. "Name and last name?" The caretaker asked but the kid was distracted by playing the game on his phone only to stop when hearing her voice. "Oh! Wait I didn't catch that, what did you ask again?" The kid asked her. *Sigh* "Name? and Last name?" The caretaker asked once again.

"Oh yeah!... I'm sorry, the name's Shane... Shane McKinley" Shane told her his name as she wrote it down on the paper. "Age?" The caretaker asks. "Sixteen years old, Madame," Shane told her nicely. "Ok, your native origin?" The caretaker asked him. "Umm... it's Vancouver, British Columbia... it's up north if you're familiar with that area" Shane responded to the question as her eyes widened while writing it down in surprise. "Canada huh? a long way from home, I see. How did you end up in Australia?" The caretaker asked in wonder. "It's... complicated, in fact I assume it's probably not  appropriate to talk about it in front of all of you" Shane wondered.

"I understand, how about we just forget I asked that and move forward ok?" The caretaker suggested as he gave a slight nod. "So anyways, what is your date of birth-" The caretaker asked but stopped after both She and Shane saw a female Shiba Inu walk over to them. "There you are child, I have been looking for you since I heard you have arrived" She explains looking at Shane. "Rosemary? what's going on?" The caretaker asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh nothing... you don't need to worry about him, I'll handle it, just focus on the others alright?" She responded. "You got it, you can move on now" The caretaker told Shane. "She's right, come on now Mr. McKinley" Rosemary says while walking off giving a hand gesture to Shane, telling him to follow to which he did so leaving the receptionist with the other kids in line.

Seconds later, Shane and Rosemary were silently walking down a large hallway inside the orphanage as Shane Looked around to see on each side were multiple colored doors, all having different names that were written on a whiteboard attached to the door. "My apologies for the confusion earlier, I just now remembered you were showing up today, thankfully I was on the phone with the police station which you could say reminded me" Rosemary broke the silence as Shane turned to face her. "So was I supposed to do that or..." Shane wondered.

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