The jumping continued for how long the two didn't know but thought of self doubt and fear of the unknown had fled. And grave thoughts of past and frustration of minuscule problems were breathed out through laughter.

And now the panting was loud. The fast rising and falling of chests layed next to one another in the now dim room, the lighting gave only blue hues on their faces. The catching of breath gave them time to indulge in the ceiling. It was painted similar to the ones of Italian churches. Angles, demons, harpies, serpents, gods and lovers.

"I found this room second year." A pause. "I was crying and it showed me a trampoline." There was a joking manner in her tone about how silly a trampoline is what a crying girl needs. Remus understood now too caught up to realize this was the Room of Requirements.

Her words held a serious thought in them. "You shouldn't go exploring this room though. There's things that will just make you sad and tell lies." She recalled her second year well also how she would sneak into this room for another reason then the play of the trampoline but an object that held her victim as well.

"I've only ever read about it." Remus whispered so close to her ear.

Anastasia smiled at his words. "Well of course you have the bestest of friends, you don't need a silly room."

Remus didn't understand what she had meant. "Don't you have Lily, Mary, Marlene, Alice even?"

Anastasia pursed her lips for a moment. How was she to word this? It felt rude to the girls and the impact they have on her. "I adore the girl but we don't talk about anything serious or at least I don't...." He turned to look at her now, her side profile close to his own. Remus could feel the stray strands of her hair underneath his turned cheek.

"Well who do you talk to?" Remus hadn't given himself the time to think before he spoke; his words were not meant to call her out, only curiosity plaguing his intent.

"Suppose there's a reason why this room is always open to me." The paradox in her words was strong.

It was funny the door had stayed open for Remus as if it knew he was required in Anastasia's need in her moment of weakness.

The October day was one remembered by Remus well. It gave him humility to the romanticized idea he had of Anastasia in his mind. And though this a test to his feeling for her it only had them grow the once roots of their childhood and the stems of his unseen pinning and observations had now grown leaves and parts for buds of new stories. Rather than scare him of her reality not so prim and perfect but now - pure.

And when he entered his room that night with his curtains drawn he wrote her a poem addressed to her with hope that in time he would give it to her.


Her eyes and words are so icy

Oh but she burns like rum on a fire

Hot and fast and angry as she can be

I walk my days on a wire

It looks ugly but its clean

Oh mama, don't fuss over me

The way she tells I'm hers and she is mine

Open hand or closed fist would be fine

The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine

Her fight and fury is fiery

Oh, but she loves like sleep to the freezing

Sweet and right and merciful

I'm all but washed in the tide of her breathing

And it's worth it, it's divine.

Authors Note:

I loved this part so much I wrote it in like two hours and it make me so happy. Also even though this story is named after a Taylor swift song hozier is really plaguing the whole thing whenever I listen to him I relate it back to them. Another song of his will be in the next chapter
Anyways I hope you liked it as much as me. I know my writing still changes quite a bit with me feeling poetic some days and just wanting silly dialogue the next. I kinda like the imbalance though :) have a good week 😘

 I kinda like the imbalance though :) have a good week 😘

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Date Posted: March 27th 2023

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