An Unexpected Landing

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I looked around for a parachute. We'd already been falling for a couple of minutes and I knew if worse came to worse I'd have to brace myself for impact.

"C'mon where the hell are you ya damn parachutes?"

I scrambled around rushing quickly leaving no rock unturned. Finally when I found where the parachutes were supposed to be they were gone.

"No no no!"

Where the hell did they go!? No one could've used em, the emergency exit hadn't been opened! This was bad, real bad. Suddenly before I even knew it we crashed. It happened so fast my brain couldn't even process it. Chunks of steel flew around as I struggled for dear life hanging on to my chair and slowly pulling down on it amd putting my seatbelt on as my head rattled and the back end of the plane tore off. Almost right away a flying piece of steel struck me across the head and I blacked out.

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