Reo: "So now we have proof that you guys are a couple."

"Not that again."

Nagi: "..."

Reo: "Ah- rise and shine sleepyhead."

Nagi: "...mornin' Reo. Mornin' Y/n, You too F/n."

F/n: "Nagi, wanna see something?"

Nagi: " what's wrong with that? I didn't hug her on purpose."

F/n: "Damn these two won't get it any time sooner."

Reo: "They won't."

Nagi and Y/n: "What is that supposed to mean?!"

Ba-ya: "Good morning young master Reo and his friends. I just wanted to say that breakfast is ready."

Reo: "Thank you Ba-ya. Now then, let's go eat breakfast."


The group then went down for breakfast and freshen up for the day. As the friends were chatting, Y/n receives a sudden call from someone. When she excused herself to pick up the call, Y/n was hearing the person she least expected to hear.

???: "Good morning my dear."

"Mornin' mom! How are you?"

Mom: "I'm fine. I just wanted to let you know that i'll be home for the next 2 weeks before I have to go again. Are you at a sleepover because I didn't saw you home."

"Yes i'm at a sleepover. Do you want me to come home?"

Mom: "Oh sweetie I didn't want to disturb you. Just come home before 8 pm ok?"

"Ok, love you!"

Mom: "Love you too!"

F/n: "Now look who's smiling. Who called?"

"Mom called. She's finally home for the next 2 weeks!"

F/n: "2 weeks?! I mean that's something."

Reo: "Sorry but I don't quite follow."

F/n: "Her mom is constantly out overseas because of her work so it's very rare that she comes home and stay for 2 weeks."

Reo: "I feel you Y/n."

Nagi: "At least your mom is back."

"Yes! I'm so excited!"

Nagi: "Looks like you and your mom are close."

"We are. I mean she used to be my only friend when F/n wasn't around and since she left I kept hoping for her to come back. You guys surely don't mind when I go now right?"

Reo: "Of course! It was really nice having you around. I'll ask Ba-ya to drive you home."

Nagi: "Can't you stay a bit longer?"

"I'd really like to see my mom again so forgive me i'll make up to you tho."

Nagi: "Ok."

F/n: "Y/n, want me to come along?"

"You don't have to really."

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