Void and Will (BONUS CHAPTER)

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(Gonna have some people from the highschool seeing them as well and request was made by Fanciful_Player I LOVE ENEMIES TO LOVERS~ anyways let's start! Sorry if this will be short but- I will try to make it the best I can for you to read! Also ya I listened to the song at top while writing this~ also sorry if this is bad or I didn't do your request well but I liked writing it anyways~)

Void's pov: Why do I have to hang out with Will of all people? I mean- I don't really know how to feel about hanging out with him anymore.
I suddenly saw him walking down the streets to a diner- should I join him? Oh screw it! Ima just join him even if he probably hated me still...
"Hey Will!" I said, a blush falling onto my cheeks.
"Hey- Void what are you doing here? You know I still hate you since you're my enemy" Will explains.
"I just came to hang with you since the truth is I-" I try to say but I get cut off by a girl that had brown hair with pink tips.
"Who are you?" Will asked, putting his fists up in the air to protect me against her if she was gonna attack me.
"Sir my name is Liv and I was just strolling around looking for- Russo" Liv replied
"What do they look like?" Will asks
"They have blue hair, blue eyes and are currently wearing a blue hoodie with the word blue on it!" Liv explains
"I saw someone in the diner that looked like what you just described so you should check there!" Will replied
"Alright! I'll check there thank you sir what's your name?" Liv asked
"Will, and this here is my erm friend Void" Will replied, I blushed at him since it was hard to control.
"Nice to meet you Will! I shall see you around! Ok?" Liv asked
"Mhm! You seem very nice which means you have a kind soul!" Will explains
"Thanks Will, I'll try not to forget you, or Void!" Liv says with a bow of her head at both of us before running into the diner to find this Russo person.
"She has a kind soul right Void?" Will asked
I snapped back to reality since I zoned out for the past I don't know 5 MINUTES!
"Yeah she does- also we should go inside it looks like it's about to rain" I replied, noticing the dark clouds in the sky.
"Alright ready for our date Void?" Will asked
"D-DATE?!" I yelled, stuttering, starting to shiver from the sudden chill that went up my spine.
"I know you like me- like you made it so obvious you couldn't even hide it for much longer before I said I noticed you blushing and stuff like that" Will replied.
I just sighed "I guess that makes sense- hey is that Daybreak?!" I exclaimed, seeing my ally sitting on a park bench.
"Yeah, shall we go talk to him?" Will asked
"Eh- no I wanna leave him to his thoughts since he looks deep in thought so let's just have some time alone- together my darling Will!" I replied
"Yeah- I like spending time alone with you Void so let's go inside before the rain starts to get worse since it's sprinkling now which is shocking!" Will exclaims
"Yeah let's go, here let me take your hand if you don't mind!" I replied, taking his hand, running inside of the diner.
"What would you two like to order?" Leah Ashe asked, she had pink hair, pink ish eyes, a pink crown with magenta gems on it and looked pretty fancy.
We then say our orders while at our table and enjoyed our date but after our date Will suddenly passed out while holding my hand.
I sighed "do I have to carry him home?" I asked, rolling my eyes and beginning to pick him up.
"I can help you" Daybreak replied, his red eyes glowing.
"Sure- it's just annoying how I have to carry him home but it's ok if you don't wanna help!" I exclaim
"I of course wanna help darling~" Daybreak flirts, as he is flirty with everyone and I knew that so he helped me carry Will home.
Once he got home with Will and Daybreak helping!
I set Will down on the bed, Daybreak had to go check on Midnight so he left through the front door, shutting it behind him. But I- I was stuck with Will but I decided to do something I would think as unusual, I cuddled him while he was passed out which hopefully he didn't mind.
He better not mind since he was gonna wake up to it in the morning.
I thought, rolling my eyes again and then falling into a deep sleep with Will by my side in bed also cuddling me back.
(Word count: 885+A/N)
Another A/N: Void! It is done! If you hate it I'm sorry- but I did my best with this request! More of a oneshot but a highschool au related one since Liv and Daybreak have cameos in it! So yeah- bye for now and hopefully you liked it! See you in the comments lol~

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