VoidedLight+Vas bonding! (Special chapter number 1!)

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(Sorry if y'all hate this but it's happening anyways- since it's just cool, so I hope your cool with this)
Vas's pov: I was walking home with VoidedLight in the rain one Saturday after our date when I suddenly heard a little cough come out of him.
"Achoo!" VoidedLight sneezes
"Come along- we are going home, right now!" I exclaimed, about to pick him up
"No! I wanna stay out here in the rain!" VoidedLight begs
"You're gonna miss out on cuddle time with me then~" I reply
VoidedLight sighs "still no, I wanna stay out here! I can sleep here, I truly promise! PLEASE!" VoidedLight begs even more, wanting me so badly to say yes but I didn't wanna be worried about him while I was having fun inside.
"Fine but just for a while longer, but please come inside after" I replied, not wanting to say no since he was an adult, he just- acted so childish sometimes, like just now when he was begging to me about staying in the rain.
VoidedLight's pov: I lay in the rain, feeling kinda bad for begging to Vas to let me stay in the rain. I coughed again, getting sick from how humid and gross it was outside but that didn't matter now since I liked the rain. How it felt, how it tasted, everything about it!
A couple hours later
I fell asleep in Vas's backyard but I suddenly felt these strong arms pick me up, it was Vas!
Vas's pov: I sighed, he always does this, falls asleep on the ground in the rain but I always rescue him like the hero that I am.
I suddenly see VoidedLight open up his eyes, he was shaking and looking tired as well.
"We are getting you home and I'm forcing you since your gonna die out here without your big strong man around!" I suddenly say to him
"Hahaha y-yeah, I'm freezing!" VoidedLight replied, I wrap my extra hoodie which I brought for him and wrap it around him and walk him home.
Once they are home!
"I'm gonna give you a bath- you can barely take one yourself without shivering!" I say, carrying him up to the bathroom, bathing him, slowly and gently so I didn't injure him at all.
He was blushing a lot "your so cute when you blush!" I suddenly say- accidentally out loud.
"Same to you!" VoidedLight replied, then I finished bathing him- he looked much better! So I put one of my hoodies on him and some of my shorts and then carried him upstairs.
"I'm surprised you let me borrow your clothes!" VoidedLight replied
"Oh- ah- you look cute in them that's why, now it's time for bed and cuddle time!" I replied
"Yey!" VoidedLight replied in a child-like voice, I cuddled him to sleep and comforted him if he had any nightmares about past experiences that night.
The next day!!!! (Only writing small part of the next school day!)
VoidedLight's pov: Vas and I were walking down the hallway when suddenly Meadow stopped us before we reached our classroom- we were even holding hands.
"Are y'all gay?" Meadow asks, she smirked when she said that
"Y-yeah!-" I admitted nervously
"Mhm!-" Vas replied, nervously as well
"I support y'all then!- see you both around~" Meadow replied, heading to class as we headed back into our classroom full of tech equipment and students inside.

High school Au!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora