Chapter 3 - Runaway Orphan

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A/N: I promise that the worst of the angst is over. And just like Reki, I plan to keep my promises!


Reki wanted to break down right then and right there. He wanted to fall into a heap on the floor and start bawling his eyes out. But he didn't. He had to keep strong. For his family. For his sister. For himself. So no matter how strong the urge to break down right now was, he had to just push it to the side. He made Koyomi a promise, and Reki refused to brake it less then an hour after making it.

So instead Reki just ran. He ran down the many twisting hallways. He ran until someone grabed onto his arm and forced him to stop.

Still panting, Reki turned to stare aggressively at the offender who had taken a strong hold on him, only to find it was the officer he spoke to earlier. "I heard about your mother, and I'm really sorry Reki."

Reki just stared down at his blood stained hands again. "Yeah."

"I know what you're thinking," The officer said.

"Do you though?"

"I can't say I understand what you are going through. But I do understand what you are planing to do."

"And what exactly would that be?"

"Reki you can't run off on your own. You're seventeen. You're just a kid. You need a guardian."

"So you plan to take me to an orphanage then?"

"Not right now," The officer explained. "For tonight we need to find you to a Temporary Foster home. We will decide what to do with you after that. This isn't the kind of decision one can be make within just a few minutes. But it's likely you'll end up in an orphanage."

Reki couldn't help but feel like some kind of criminal in curt, where the judge was trying to decide what prison to send him to. And there was no way in hell Reki would ever except it. No matter how hard they tried, they could never drag him off to some Foster home. Reki refused to ever let that happen.

Reki sighed and tried to calm himself down again, because some small part of his mind somehow still remined intact, and was somehow still capable of thinking logically. And right now Reki thought it would be best if he listened to that logical side, because he knew that all hell would brake lose if he didn't. And he also made Koyomi a promise. "Alright fine," Reki gave in.

"Perfect," The officer said rather cheerfully. "For now I'm going to take you back home, so you can pack any necessary items you might need. Then I will take you to the Temporary Foster Home I told you about, and after that you should probably head to school."

Oh, right, School. Reki had completely forgotten about that.

Reki sighed, for what felt the twentieth time, still trying to process everything that had happened over the past few hours, and everything the officer had just said. Reki found his gaze once again drawing down to the dried red stains on his hands. "Can I go wash these first?" He asked the officer, holding up his hands to show what he meant.

"Sure, go ahead kid. I think the bathroom should be down that hallway," He pointed down a hallway that Reki knew lead in the same direction as the front entrance. "Meet me at the waiting room near the reception when you are done, okay? I also habe some quick business to attend to."

Reki nodded and ran off down the hallway. Only instead of stopping to go into the bathroom, he continued until he made it out the front entrance. In fact Reki didn't even stop running there, he continued sprinting as fast as he could, until he made it back home. And then he jammed any essentials into his backpack, as fast as he could manage. Once that was completed, Reki picked up his phone from the ground, where he had thrown it a few hours ago, to find that it thankfully wasn't broken. Thank the gods for that, because Reki definitely couldn't afford to replace it now.

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