Midnight Solace

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"Sounds fun."

"It is." She corrects herself: "Was."

I kind of feel bad munching away on chips while we're trying to have a serious conversation. I offer her some, but she refuses.

It gives her a chance to properly look at me finally. But instead of the grin I was hoping for, her face scrunches with concern.

"You really went out walking in the rain for me?"

"Well... Edna didn't have an umbrella anyway... But yeah."

She looks me up and down, then heads out of the room. I sit there flabbergasted. What even happened?

I want to follow her, but I hold myself back. I'm not bound to her anymore, I don't have to be near her all the time.

Still, I have the desire to. I don't know if it's a remnant of my ghost self or just part of my crush... Though it's probably the latter.

She comes back a few minutes later. I can barely see her form behind all the stuff she's holding. Lots of blankets, pillows, towels, and what looks like... shoes.

She drops it all on the bed, but hands me one of the pairs of shoes.

"Take off your muddy shoes. We wear slippers inside the house. I think they should fit you..."

Oh, so that's what they are. "But I'm cold."

"Keep your socks on!"

I do as she says. They're a little big, but it's not tragic. She does the same with hers.

She moves closer to me, spinning me around as she begins taking off my jacket. I squeak.

"I don't see you wearing slippers in the apartment," I say to break the awkward silence.

"Yeah, well, Ninjago City is less traditional... And we forgot our slippers here last time."

I half-expect her to move on to the rest of my clothes (not a good thought, I know) but she stops there. She takes the leather jacket and hangs it, draping one of the blankets over my shoulders.

Then, for her final trick, she picks up one of the towels... and violently dries my hair with it.

I'm dazzled by the time she's finished, but she's amused by it. My hair is sticking out in all sorts of places, and I try to fix it.

"There," she says. "Now you don't look like a wet dog."

"Says the tempered cat."

Though I can see her smile is playful... It still makes me pale. She laughs. I love that sound.

The rest of my clothes are still kind of wet. I get a mischievous thought that I simply can't resist.

Before she can even process it, I quickly snatch her in a hug, letting her enjoy the sweet, sweet feeling of revenge and being soaked. She groans, but I don't let her go. It's my turn to chuckle.

"See? You're a cat; scared of water and everything."

She punches my chest in response. I hold back a wince. Even if it's playful, I forget that she can hit hard.

Eventually, she stops shuffling around. We both just stand there until she wraps her arm around me as well. I forget how much I adore when she does that.

I pick up Mr Cuddlywomp from the ground and tuck him between the many blankets. Curiosity takes over and I begin wandering around the house. Nya follows cautiously.

Throughout our silence, I constantly hold back the urge to mention my... discoveries. I don't want to ruin the mood or upset her. Heck, I'm surprised I haven't spilled everything yet.

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