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3.9999 months (4 months - 1 day) without Minho:

"Hello! Last day~" Jisung sings into the phone, looking through the camera at Minho, who's outside of the dance studio.

"Hello there. I'm very excited to see you tomorrow."

"I am more excited. I'm smothering you with as many cuddles as possible for as long as you'll let me."

"We might be there a while."

"Would that really be so bad a fate?" They both laugh, Jisung looking at the time and groaning.

"What's wrong?"

"I have to clean up a bit and then get ready for a birthday party. I'm not really feeling in the mood to socialise in a crowd, but I already said I would go. Actually... I'm not quite sure there will be other people. He didn't actually tell me."

"This party is sounding kind of sus if you ask me, lovely." Minho says, turning now so Jisung can't see the door and nodding. "Be safe, I have to go now but I love you and I'll see you soon!"

"I love you!"

Jisung happily goes around the house, tidying up the kitchen, bathroom, and living room. Before he can deal with his makeshift bed on the couch, his phone alarm alerts him that it's time to get ready to leave the house. He makes his way upstairs, getting dressed and doing his hair before grabbing his stuff and leaving.

The walk to Josh's house is about a half hour, an enjoyable walk at least. He has his music playing through his earbuds, smiling to himself as he makes it to his destination. Before he knocks, he returns the earbuds to their case.

Josh answers fairly quickly, smiling at Jisung and ushering him into the apartment.

"You look cute today." He compliments the oversized tan sweater and light blue skinny jeans.

"Thanks, so do you." Jisung responds with a friendly smile, taking a look at the other boy's outfit. He's wearing a light green t-shirt with a pair of black jeans.

"Thanks! I have the cupcake mix all set up, and then I figured we could watch a movie?"

"Sure thing."

"Also, thank you for taking off work for this, I know you like to work everyday."

"You're welcome, and I don't think I'd be able to work today anyways, I'm too excited to go pick up Minho tomorrow." Josh nods, leading them into the kitchen to start the baking. He starts on the batter mix while Jisung works on the frosting, the two just chatting and jamming to music. "What colour should we make the icing?"

"How about Yellow?"

"Mmm, yes. Yellow is a happy colour." Jisung agrees, putting some of the food dye into the mixture and making sure the whole thing turns into a uniform colour. Once it's done, and the batter is in the oven, the two go into the living room, Josh turning on the TV and motioning for his friend to sit.

He pulls up a random streaming service, searching through until they find a movie that they both agree on, although Jisung insists that they watch something that the other wants to since it's his birthday.

"I want to see what kind of things you like too, Hannie." Josh says with a smile. Jisung fakes his smile as his stomach drops, the urge to cry hitting him like a truck. The other boy barely seems to notice, letting the movie play and paying attention.

Jisung gets his heart to stop beating so fast, calming himself down with the reminder that his friend and caregiver will be home in less than thirty six hours. This works until Josh leans over and wraps his arms around the older's waist, snuggling into his chest.

He feels himself stiffen, but the younger one doesn't seem to notice, or if he does, he doesn't care. Reluctantly, he lets the boy lay on him, it being his birthday and all. He really doesn't want to ruin Josh's big day for him by weirding him out with his disdain for physical touch at the moment.

Unfortunately for him, the mixture of Ponyo and physical affection is incredibly overwhelming, and he tries very hard to push the urge to cry away. The movie ends and Jisung is incredibly relieved until Josh doesn't move away. Instead he sits up, hands still on Jisung's waist.

"Thank you for spending my birthday with me, Hannie." He says, leaning in too close for comfort.

"Um, you're welcome." He goes to move away but before he can, Josh's lips are on his... and the tears fall.

Sobs shake through his body uncontrollably, startling the younger boy, who immediately pulls away.


"Want hyungie." He sobs, curling in on himself and trying very hard to get himself to stop.


"M-min h-hyungie. Wan hyungie." He cries in response, having fully slipped.

"I- Minho?" A nod is all he receives as an answer in between sobs.

"You said he won't be back until tomorrow, um are you okay?" This answer only intensifies the boy's cries. Josh stands up, backing away in a panic.

"Home. Wanna go home." He cries. "Channie." He cries again, pointing to his phone. The younger boy picks it up, feeling extremely guilty for inducing what he can only think to be a mental breakdown. He points the phone to Jisung's face, unlocking it immediately. He scrolls through the phone until he sees "Channie Hyung."

"Hey Ji, kinda busy, what's up?"

"Um, hey. This is Jisung's friend Josh. Um, I think he's having a mental breakdown on my couch. He pointed to his phone and said "Channie", so I'm assuming that's you?"

"Oh shit, is he okay? What happened?"

"I, um, I think I triggered it by kissing him... he keeps crying for Minho. Keeps saying "hyungie" over and over."

"Fuck. What's your address? I'll be right there."

There's some commotion and then the line cuts out. Josh doesn't know what to do, so he just kind of stands there until a knock sounds at the door. He lets Chan in, and the oldest boy immediately crouches in front of Jisung.

"Bubs, it's Channie, I'm gonna pick you up, is that okay?" He receives a nod through the sobs and so he does so, apologising to Josh and thanking him for calling before leaving with his friend in his arms.

Chan drives them back to Jisung and Minho's house, putting him down onto the couch. He goes to lock the door and when he comes back he sees Jisung running into the bathroom, hearing the lock follow.

"Hannie? Hey, it's not safe to lock yourself in the bathroom, bubs, would you please unlock it." No answer but crying is heard and he tries to reason with the boy some more, eventually sighing and getting on his phone, talking lowly into it and then sitting outside of the door and talking to Jisung, just telling him anything to try and make him talk back.

Eventually, the boy stops crying, but he still refuses to open the door or speak to him.

"I know you're upset, but you'd feel better sitting on the couch instead of the bathroom floor."

The front door opens, Seungmin walking in.

"Let me try talking to him, Hyung. You go wait for Changbin and help him carry the stuff in." Chan nods, Seungmin replacing him at the door.

"Hi there, Hannie. It's Seungmin. I heard you had a bad day hun. Don't worry, I'm not here to judge you. I hope you don't mind that Minho told me, but you know that I help take care of Felix when he's little and Changbin is busy. Do you wanna come out and tell Seung what happened?"

"N-no." Comes the tiniest voice from inside.

"That's okay hun. How about you come out and we don't have to talk, huh? I'll make you some warm milk." He tries, attempting to coax the boy out.

The front door opens again and footsteps are heard before someone else drops to their knees at the door.

"Hannie, precious. Please open the door. Hyungie is here."

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