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Three and a half months without Minho:

Jisung swears as he runs out of the door, late for their studio session. He ignores everyone as he sprints down the streets, barely making it through the doors of the building before collapsing through the studio door and onto the couch.

"You know how to run?" Changbin snickers.

"Shut up." Jisung groans, panting. Chan makes no remark, just signalling Jisung into the booth to warm up and record his parts.

When the youngest of the three is done, he collapses back onto the couch with Changbin, closing his eyes for a second.

"Now all we have left is to record Danceracha's lines and then we'll be good to go."

"It'll be nice to have them back, right Ji?" Changbin adds. When he gets no response, he looks over and sees the younger boy sleeping.

"He must be absolutely exhausted. Let's take him to my place to rest. I'll call his boss and see if he can have the day off." Chan says. He lifts Jisung into his arms, carrying him to his car and strapping him into the backseat. He makes no indication of consciousness as they drive to Chan's apartment, nor as he's carried inside and having his shoes removed. When he's safely under the covers of Chan's bed, the oldest leaves the room.

Changbin is sitting in the kitchen as Chan enters, nodding to let the younger know that Jisung is sound asleep. He whips out his phone, dialling the number to the restaurant and sitting on the couch as it rings.

"Thank you for calling Shin's Gimbap. How may I help you?"

"Hi, my name is Chan, a friend of Han Jisung's. I was hoping to speak with the owner of the restaurant?"

"Ah yes, hello. This is he."

"Hello sir, I work with Jisung in the mornings, and I know he's been working every day for the last three and a half months. He came into work this morning absolutely exhausted and immediately passed out on the couch we have. I was just wondering if it would be alright if he missed work tonight to get some rest, we are really worried about him. I'm afraid he's getting sick and just not telling anybody."

"That poor boy. So sad without that Minho around. I've tried convincing him to take a day off, but the advice goes in one ear and out the other. Of course it's alright, please make sure he actually rests."

"Thank you so much, I will." With that, Chan ends the call, sighing to himself at the lengths they've had to go through to get Jisung to rest.

Changbin takes a seat next to him, patting him on the shoulder.

"You've done everything you can. Nobody gets through to Jisung like Minho does, and over the phone it's like Minho doesn't actually exist. It's like Jisung is afraid to acknowledge that he's talking to a real person."

"Minho has made the same comment, actually." Chan says. "Would you mind going to their house and getting Jisung some clothes for the night? I'm going to have him stay here tonight. I want to make sure he actually sleeps."

"Of course. I'll be back."

It takes an hour before Changbin returns to the apartment, a small bag of Jisung's clothes and take out for the three of them.

"Is he still asleep?"

"Out like a light. I checked on him a few minutes ago."

"He doesn't sleep in bed if he sleeps, so that's probably why he's so tired on top of everything."

"What do you mean?"

"Both beds in the house were perfectly made. The only evidence that someone even lives there is two blankets and a pillow on the couch."

"Our poor squirrel. Let me tell you, thank goodness that it's almost over. Let's all agree to never let Minho leave for this long again."


It's around five in the afternoon when he wakes up. As he opens his eyes, he's immediately hit with a sense of confusion, and then panic. He grabs around for his phone, finding it in his back pocket and feeling his heart drop at the time. He jumps out of bed, running out of the room, just to find Chan and Changbin in the kitchen setting up plates.

"Oh good, you're awake. Food will be warm in a minute." Chan says with a warm smile.

"Thanks but I'm late for work." He tries to get passed the oldest, failing as he steps in front of the door.

"No can do, kiddo. I called your boss and said you're not coming in because you need rest. Do not even try arguing with me." He says sternly as Jisung opens his mouth in protest. "Be pissed off at me all you want, but you need this. So go sit on the couch and chill, and we will bring the food over when it's done. Okay?"

It takes a few seconds before Jisung runs his left hand through his hair, sighs, and then nods. "Okay."

The three eat silently, watching a movie that Changbin decided to put on in the background. Already, Jisung can feel himself getting tired. Before anyone realises, he's back asleep, head resting gently on Chan's arm.



"Oh, hey Josh. What's up?" He asks as he dawns his apron the next day.

"You weren't here yesterday and I missed you!" The slightly younger boy whines. Jisung laughs at his silliness, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry, I was exhausted yesterday for some reason and I really needed to sleep."

"That's okay. So listen, two weekends from now is my birthday and I know you said you have something important that Sunday but on Saturday I was hoping you would come over and help me celebrate? We can make cupcakes!"

"Oh! That sounds really fun, I'd love to!"

"Wonderful! Thank you so much!"

"No problem, birthdays are so exciting. I always do something extra special for my best friend because he always hated his birthday, but now I think he looks forward to my shenanigans."

"And that's the Minho guy, right?"

"Yep, that's my Minho." Jisung says with a laugh, completely missing the spark of hurt and jealousy in Josh's eyes. The younger chuckles instead and puts on a fake smile, the two of them getting back to work, ready for the dinner rush.

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