Phasma's Death, Crait Rebel Base

Start from the beginning

Hux stares at Ben "Who do you think you're talking to" Ben keeps walking "You presume to command my army" He stops and Hux took a few steps forward "Our Supreme Leader is dead" He glares at Ben "We have no ruler" Suddenly Kylo Ren use the Force to chock Hux who hold his throat and Ben turns to him hand reach out Kylo Ren said "The Supreme Leader is dead" Kylo Ren keeps using the Force on Hux who fell on his knees he said "Long live the Supreme Leader".

Meanwhile at the planet Crait on the surface is a large open area leading to a long cliff the door is open and standing with a part of her leather coat covering half of her face is Leia who stares then notice Tie fighters are coming turning her head raising a com Leia said "They're coming, shut the door" She turns and walks while crystalise foxes name Vupltex running into the base.

A Vulptex stops looking back it whimpers before running into the base as the door close but heading for the door is the shuttle being shot by two Ties fighters and a Resistance Member looks through binoculars notice this turning the Resistance Member yells "Incoming" He runs and the last of the Vulptex enters and the shuttle gets closer and shots fire inside.

Resistance members run avoiding getting hit Poe yells "Go" He wave his arm "Go" He avoids a shot "Move" A few members went down pointing "Get that shield door down" The shuttle got hit and skids across the ground the top wing breaks and the rest slides inside making the Resistance run to avoid getting killed.

Meanwhile the shield door closes making the two Ties turn around to avoid crashing into it as the shuttle slowly came to a stop Resistance begin firing at it Poe, and Leia went forward firing blasters suddenly Rose called "No, wait, don't shoot" Finn said "It's us" They raise their hands "No, don't shoot".

Raising a hand Poe calls "Hold your fire" Finn yells "Don't shoot" The Resistance stop "Hold your fire" Poe lower his arm aiming then Rose and Finn both stood up Leia ask "Finn" Poe said "Finn" He stares at them "Rose" Poe spread his arms "You're not dead" Leia lower her blaster "Where's my droid" A ramp is lowered, and BB-8 chirps excitedly.

Poe runs to him "Buddy" BB-8 rolls to him Poe smiles "I'm so glad to see you" BB-8 chirping happily, and Poe place his forehead against BB-8's head "Wait, what" Poe stares at him "Wait, wait, wait, slow down" Rose and Finn look at everyone that's in here Rose ask "Is this all that's left" They look to one another.

Meanwhile two Resistance members put a crate down and open it activating it and another member pulls a cloth off everyone getting the command centre online D'Acy press a button with Poe watching "All right, shields are up so they can't hit us from orbit" Poe walks over to Finn, and Connix "Use whatever power we've got left to broadcast a distress signal to the Outer Rim".

Connix nods looking then Leia said "Use my personal code" Poe, Connix, and Finn look to her "If there are any allies to the Resistance, it's now or never" Nodding then notice something Poe ask "Rose, what do you got" Walking to them Rose said "Rotting munitions, rusted artillery, some half-gutted skim speeders".

Turning Poe said "Well, let's just pray that big ass door holds long enough for us to get help" Suddenly a rumbling is heard making dust fall and the Vulptex are barking a Vulptex stands looking around it whimpers while looking through a scope to see eight At-At's and in the middle is a large device the scope zooms closer to see the device turning.

Finn said "A battering ram cannon" He stares through the scope and Poe ask "A what now" Pressing a button turning to them Finn said "Miniaturised Death Star tech" He stares at them "It'll crack that door open like an egg" Looking to them Rose ask "There has to be a back way out of here, right" Poe looks to her and BB-8 chirping.

BB-8 rolls pass a Vulptex with C-3PO walking with him Poe ask "BB-8, what do you got" BB-8 chirps rolling forward C-3PO said "BB-8 has analysed the mine's schematic" C-3PO turns motion the door "This is the only way in or out" Another rumble is heard making Poe look while everyone hears the wall creaking Finn said "Come on" Poe turns to him "We have allies".

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