Chapter 25

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Mother? Sylvia thought to herself, standing up in shock. Polar must have read her thoughts because he could soon be heard shushing Alina and Moonhowler.

Sylvia took a step back, shaking her head. She didn't want to see her. Not after their last confrontation. Not after the argument. She had sworn to herself she wouldn't talk to her mother again.

The memory came to her once more. The thought she wished she hadn't still had. As hard as she tried to forget it, she couldn't.

Alina walked up to Sylvia's side, speaking in a concerned tone.

"Are... you ok?" she asked.

"That's... her." Sylvia replied.

"Wait, you don't mean..."

"Yes, I do." Sylvia said, voice only a bit higher than a whisper.

"Alright you five," said Aurora from behind Sylvia. "I have come to tell you you are free to go."

"What?" Sylvia and Nightshade gasped at the same time.

"Yeah. This island is not the most important place right now. We might not even stay here after all. If this storm decides to destroy everything, we'll just have to relocate."

Sylvia felt her jaw drop. She couldn't quite perceive what she was told. They were just... letting her go? Really? These were not the SeaWings she once knew.

Aurora looked at Sylvia, her eyes widening a bit. "Wait... Sylvia?" she said, voice shaking a bit.

Sylvia said nothing. "Wow, I never thought my niece would come back," Aurora said.

Niece? Sylvia questioned herself. She had never met this dragon before, thought she had heard of her. How did she know about her?

"Ah, a bit nervous are we? That's alright, my dear. You can talk to me! We may not have met properly, but I am your mothers sister. It's great finally getting to know you better."

Aurora held out a talon, and Sylvia looked at it for a moment before putting out her own. Aurora took it in a firm grip, gave it a short shake, then let go.

Despite being referred to as a dragon of high status, Aurora acted very friendly towards Sylvia. It was a bit surprising, Sylvia admitted to herself.

"Well, I would love to talk to you more, but I have some important business to attend to. Here, how about I show you to your mother; I'm sure she will be so excited to meet your friends."

Aurora walked over, pulling out the stake and letting the chains fall to the ground. She walked to each of the dragonets and pulled off the harness, starting with Sylvia, then Nightshade. When she got to Moonhowler, he gave a small growl. Aurora didn't seem to care about that, instead she looked at him in awe.

"My, my. Would you look at that? You are certainly an interesting one aren't you?" she said, giving a small chuckle as she spoke.

"You dragonets and your games. Though I must say, this is an interesting choice of a role. I do like the design though. However did you make it?"

Moonhowler tilted his head. "This isn't a costume, it's-"

Nightshade cut him off, blurting out "We don't want to give away the secret of the perfect costume, do we?" He put on a fake smile, and gave a fake laugh.

Aurora, on the other hand, seemed amused. She shook her head as she pulled off Moonhowlers harness, muttering "Crazy dragonets."

She then turned to Alina.

"Oh my! Aren't you just stunning! The costume looks so fascinating, almost like it has real gold in it. Honestly, I thought those were your actual scales at first," Aurora chuckled again, and Alina fake laughed as well. "Y-yeah, it is pretty nice, isn't it..." Alina stuttered.

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