"Tyene Sand, daughter of the Red Viper, at your service." She curtsied.

She looked nothing like her sister. Even with having different mothers, it was hard to tell the two were related. Tyene lacked the Dornish features Nymeria had inherited. Perhaps it was what helped her blend in.

"We don't have time for this," Nymeria interjected. "Unless the rest of us would like to be killed or imprisoned for aiding the escape of the Princess'."

She was right.

They continued until they reached the shore.

When they looked back, they could see smoke in the distance.

Likely because of the chaos of the sept, there were no guards in the particular area they had went.

Two small rowboats rested on the shore.

Aelinor pulled her sister into a hug. "I'm sorry you were forced back here, and I'm sorry I was so occupied with everything else, I barely had a chance to see you."

"It's okay. I understand." She noticed tears beginning to stream down her sister's cheeks, wiping them away.

"Sorry. I guess it's the hormones. But, I love you. Nothing will change that. No matter how far apart we are, you can look at the sky and see the moon or the sun. Just know wherever I am, we are seeing the same thing."

Myrcella nodded. "I love you too."

"Now go. Be happy."

The two sisters made their way to their respective boats, taking one last look at one another before getting in.

Neither knew when they'd see each other next, but both agreed this was for the best.

[Red Keep - Cersei's Chambers]

When the Red Keep awoke the next morning, they would find they had a few less occupants.

Cersei had been awoken to sharp knocks on her door.

She threw on her robe, before shouting, "Come in!"

Golden Armour let her know the man before her was a Kingsguard.

"What is it?"

The man was noticeably nervous, one of his legs bouncing.

"Spit it out!" She yelled.

"The princesses can not be found in the castle, Your Grace."

"What do you mean my daughters are not inside the castle?! Then where are they?"

"We do not know, Your Grace."

"Who was meant to be guarding Aelinor? What about her knight, Ser..."

"Fowler. Willem Fowler. He disappeared at the same time the Princess' son went missing, along with her handmaiden."

She could tell the man wanted to add more, but was hesitant.

"What is it?"

"This was left in the Princess' cell." He pulled out a necklace, handing it to the Queen.

It was a silver three headed dragon pendant.

Only one remaining living family had a dragon on their sigil.

"Targaryen's..." she muttered.

It appeared history had repeated itself.

Only instead of a lady of the North, it was a princess of the realm who had been taken by a dragon prince.

It appeared the prophecy had come true. Two of her children died before her, and the remaining two were lost to her.

"There has been talk in the Keep, Your Grace."

"Talk? What talk?"

"With both of your son's dead, and daughter's missing, there has been worry about the line of succession. By all rights, it should go to Princess Aelinor, as the eldest living child of King Robert, but she nor Princess Myrcella are here."

"I have just lost my son, and those vultures are already speaking on who to crown in his place?"

"None of the lords derive any pleasure from your loss, but without a definitive heir to the Throne, the city will descend into chaos."

Cersei knew he was right. As much as she hated to admit it, she needed to find a way to stabilize the realm before one of her many enemies swooped in to take everything she worked for.

On the outskirts of King's Landing, Jaime, Bronn, and several Lannister knights were riding on horseback on a high hill. They had been riding nearly non stop.

In the distance, they saw King's Landing, smoke billowing out of the ruins of the Great Sept of Baelor.

"Come on." Jaime commanded, riding on, the others in pursuit.

Inside the Red Keep, Cersei entered the Throne Room, escorted by Gregor and the Kingsguard. The room was full of nobles and city soldiers. Qyburn stood next to the Iron Throne, holding a crown.

Cersei and Gregor approached the throne, Cersei standing in front of it.

Jaime entered through a side passage and stood, watching.

"I now proclaim Cersei of the House Lannister First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms." Qyburn placed the crown on Cersei's head, before she sat on the Iron Throne.

Her eyes met Jaime's, a silent conversation held between them.

"Long may she reign." Qyburn chanted.

It was quiet for a moment before Gregor or "Robert" took a step forward.

"Long may she reign." The crowd chorused in fear.

In one way or another, she had lost all of her children. Joffrey to poison. Tommen to grief. Myrcella to Dorne. And Aelinor, to the former Targaryen Prince.

The wood witch had been right. She had lost what she held most dear; her children. Her only solace; becoming Queen in her own right.

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