Bastard Massacre & Goodbye Ser Lorch

Start from the beginning

[King's Landing - Red Keep, Throne Room]

Joffrey was in the middle of holding court when the doors to the throne room swung open.

Everyone turned to see Princess Aelinor storming towards her brother, a deep scowl on her face.

"How could you?! They were children! Our brothers and sisters!"

She continued until she was directly in front of her brother.

"Are you that paranoid of someone 'stealing' your crown that you would order children to be slaughtered?! Did you even know their names?" Joffrey didn't respond. "Of course you didn't. Because you care about nothing and nobody but yourself."

"Watch your tongue. You may be my sister. But I am the King."

"Yes, and what have you done since becoming king, other than throwing us immediately into a war?"

In the corner of her eye, she saw Meryn Trant with a hand on his sword.

"Please Meryn. Take out your sword. I have been waiting for a reason to have you killed."

The man stiffened.

"You do not speak to my Kingsguard like that!" Joffrey stood shouting.

"Be careful brother. If you continue on the way you have, they will not be your Kingsguard for long." She then turned around and began making her way out of the Throne room.

"You dare threaten me?! Come back here! I am speaking to you. You will listen to me."

Aelinor ignored her brother, still fuming as well as heartbroken, at the news of her murdered siblings.

They may not have been fully of her blood, but then again neither were Joffrey, Tommen and Myrcella. Yet she still loved the younger two.

When she arrived back at her room, she saw Ser Willem Fowler standing outside her door.

The pair had not see each other in some time. Once Joffrey became King, he kept sending her protector on foolish tasks.

"Ser Willem," she said, announcing your presence. "Is the Lady Eleanor inside?" She had been in her chambers with her when she received the news of the massacre.

"No, Your Grace. The Lady was requested by her father."

"Good. Remember when I told you I needed your help with something?" He nodded. "Well I need to do it now."

"How may I be of assistance?"

"I need you to find a servant and tell them Amory Lorch's presence was asked for to guard my chambers."

"I don't understand Princess."

"I need a reason for him to be here. Then it will be easier to get him to drop his guard."

"Why would you need that?"

"Ser Lorch is scheduled to travel to Harrenhal to fight alongside my grandfather. This is my last chance."

"Last chance to do what?"

"Kill him."

Ser Willem's eyes widened. "Why? Why would you do that?"

"The Mountain is already out of my grasp, but he was not the only responsible for the murder of Elia and the Targaryen children. I'm sure you've heard the stories." Ser Willem nodded. "That bastard stabbed her fifty times. You know why? 'She wouldn't stop fighting'. That is no man and certainly not one who deserves to be amongst the living."

"Princess, I know you are upset about what happened with the City Watch. Do you believe it is wise to act while you are fueled by emotion?"

"If not now, when? As I said, he leaves today and I lose my chance to take revenge. If I had my way, Slynt would die too. But two deaths  would arouse too much suspicion, especially after that speech I just made in the Throne room."

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