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Bo - the map still isn't showing anything.
M - Anything?
Bo - No riddle, no clue, no location, nothing.
After getting the book, the Illusion of Living, the Questers went back to Toon Town to, one, settle down until the next piece showed, and two, return Figuro/Jackpot to his rightful owner. Cuphead was upset, but Minnie said he could visit and catsit when he could.
Though Mickey insisted they stay at his show tent, they found a hotel with a decent room. Small kitchen to the left, 2 beds and a pull out couch with a television, a bathroom, and porch.
Upon settling, the Questers waited more days on top of the weeks traveling back, which turned into more weeks.
C - the map hasn't shown anything on the way back, and it hasn't shown anything since we got here!
Be - to be honest, when Boris and I got the map, it didn't show anything for a while, so we left out home.
Bendy scowled at saying home.
F - and the first was the gear right? Didn't it show as Mickey's restaurant, when you met me?
Be - yeah.
There was a moment of silence before Felix spoke up.
F - I'm gonna take a stroll, maybe do a bit of shopping. Anyone want to come with?
Bo - I would like to. I need to get out of this place.
C - same, let me get some warmer clothes on.
F - Bendy? Mugman?
Be - I'm looking at these carvings.
F - you've been Bendy. Come along, get some fresh air.
Be - but-
F - ahem...............Mugman?
M - I'm fine. You guys have a day out. I need to relax from those bunny kids.
Bo - alright, enjoy your rest.
About ten minutes went by and Felix, Cuphead, Bendy and Boris were ready to go. Felix had on what looked like his usual coat but with a hood, gloves, warmer pants, and boots. Cuphead wore a beanie, straw hidden within, a slight puffer jacket, warm pants, gloves, and his usual shoes. Bendy wore a hoodless jacket, due to his hair, a scarf, gloves, pants, and warmer boots. Boris had on the same but his hood had ear sockets to keep them warm. As a warm Autumn was coming to a close, a cold winter was arriving.
F - alright, are we ready to go?
Be - yes.
Bo - I'm surprised you wanna come out in this cold weather.
C - I need a break from this Ink Machine madness. See you later Mugsy!
M - Have fun!

I watched as the others walked out, a faint cool breeze coming in before the door closed. I sighed, closing my eyes as I listened to the television.
I tested in the chair for about 20 minutes before I got up for an afternoon snack. Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed the cereal box and made a bowl of cereal. Walking back into the living room, I started at our work from the past weeks. We had gotten two pieces in the span of a few weeks. The Gear and the Book were put in Felix's magical bag for safety. Felix, with the help of some historical books, had only figured out 3 letters from the language. Cups and I haven't taken a look yet, should probably do that. And I still can't get over the fact that we're in a prophecy! A vision or whatever. It makes no sense.
I was brought out of my thoughts when the temperature dropped.
M - is the heater failing?
Putting my cereal on the coffee table, I approached the heater, checking the temperature.
M - feels fine.
Devil - Hello Mugman~
M - ah! O-oh b-b-boss!
I turned around to Devil looming over me, making me bend back.
M - w-w-w-what a-are yo-you doing h-here?
D - oh just, a check up. May I ask, what was your mission again, Fillington?
M - I-in your exa-exact words, "stop that demon and wolf from making the machine"
D - hhhmmm, so what is your plan, seeing as you haven't killed the yet. unusual for your common strategy.
M - w-well, w-w-w-what, u-um, uh....
Taking a deep breath, composing myself, I look Devil in the eye.
M - we are pretending to be their friends. When they collect all the pieces, Cuphead and I will bring them to you.
D - ...........very well. I shall leave you to continue your day.
Devil turned around, creating a portal on the front door. I stayed frozen above the heater, waiting to relieve the stress of his presence after he left.
D - oh, and one more thing. Keep an eye on your "friends" and brother. Wouldn't want something bad to happen.
He released a dark chuckle before disappearing, heat coming back to the room. Letting my muscles relax, I let out a heavy sigh as I heard the door open
C - brr. Why does the cold have to be worse for Dishes. Hey bro, I couldn't stay out there long, these beanies do no- hey, you alright?
M - .........Devil made a visit.
Cuphead immediately sunk in his jacket. He took off his jacket, beanie, and gloves, sitting on the couch as I grabbed my cereal, sitting down as well.
C - what'd he want?
M - he asked what our plans were for Bendy and Boris.
C - and?
M - he approved.
C - Did he do anything?
M - other than scaring the shit outta me, no.
Cuphead relieved a sigh, hunching over, his forearms pressing on his legs. I saw the worry in his eyes.
M - hey, what ever gets thrown at us, we'll get through.
C - even if it involves the others?
M - if something happened to Bendy, Boris would become depressed. Vice versa. And Felix loves those two to death.
C - alright, Thanks Mugman.
M - anything for my little brother.
I ruffled his hair, making him smile before getting to turn on the television.

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