Beginning for the Next Piece

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Quick note, this is set in the steampunk era/industrial revolution era timeline so for my future books connected to this it will make sense.

After shooting the grappling hook into the decapitated head of the mermaid and throwing up a strap for Mugman, Felix made sure it was secure. Setting up the strap to the wire, Mugman grabbed Cala, securing her in his grasp, and slid down to safe ground with the others. Felix got his grappling hook pack, turning it back to it's fanny pack form. Getting to Boris's safe place behind a rock with Cala, Mugman made sure both Cala and Boris were okay.
Bo - oh my god Mugs! Are you okay?!
M - yeah I'm fine. Are you? And you Cala?
Bo - I'm fine, just worried of course.
Cala - I'm fantastic! Thank you so much for getting me out of there!
M - hehe! No problem! *Looks around rock* I should help with this fight though. Stay here.
Getting back up and out into the battle where Cuphead was still firing his lasers and Felix using a combination of guns, knives, etc., Mugman made his presence known by firing his own lasers. Alerting Cuphead and Felix with the shot, they looked over, Cuphead relieved to see him safe.
After another hour of fighting, being turned to stone every once in a while, the mermaid was finally defeated and left as a boulder in the shallow waters of the beach. All sighed in relief, except for Mugman.
M - crap! I totally forgot to grab the gear!
Just as he sent out his prayers that the gear wasn't destroyed, they were answered. Cala came swimming from the boulder corpse with a 2 foot by 2 foot gear.
Cala - This seemed important to you guys.
Bo - yes! Thank you.....
Cala - Cala. Cala Maria. And thanks again for getting me outta there. I was starting to lose hope.
M - he, no problem!
Cala - be safe on your travels. You never know who your gonna bump into!
With that, Cala swam off into the ocean, the Questers waving her goodbye.
M - here you go Boris!
Bo - thanks Mugs! We have the first piece!
F - what's next?
Bendy took out the map, skimming over the map until he saw another clue appear.
C - um, I don't see anything.
Be - that's because only me and Boris can see it.
Giving him a quick glare, he looked back at the map to look over the clue.
Be - "A pile of words, Jackets of hordes, Take a quick look, In the place of a book" What is that supposed to mean?
F - it seems to be a riddle, a clue, hinting to our next destination. Is there anything else, maybe around the clue?
Taking a closer look, Bendy noticed the words were on top of a mountain, maybe about one-hundred miles away. It would take a two or three trip walking.
Bo - it seems the next destination is at, on, or in a mountain. But what could it be?
Be - how about we get a move on and figure it out on our way.
Everyone nodded, immediately trying to figure the riddle out.

50 miles later

C - why does it have to be a fucking riddle!?
M - calm down Cups, I'm sure it's not hard......we're just stupid.
Cuphead groaned. Taking a break, the Questers decided to unravel the riddle, looking at each word carefully.
Be - a pile of words, jackets of hordes, take a quick look, in the place of a book. I don't get it.
Bo - I officially hate rhymes and riddles.
F - the key words seem to be 'words', 'jackets', 'place', and 'book'. And it's in a mountain, or on.
C - this is stupid, I give up.
Flinging his pencil who knows where, Cuphead got up from under a tree, getting a book from his bag, leaving the campsite. Everyone sighed, also putting down their notes of the riddle. It seemed no one was good at riddles, except for Felix because of his adventures, but this one stumped him.
Bo - I guess I'll start up some food for us.
Also getting up, Boris got the food supplies and start a fire. Bendy sighed. He wished things would go back to normal, but at the same time he was glad this happened. He and Boris hated where they lived with their abusive father. It was non-stop work. The only breaks they got were breakfast, lunch, dinner, and bed. It was Felix's books and Mickey Mouses show that brought color and imagination to their lives. And after getting the Ink Illness and being given a map for the Ink Machine, Bendy and Boris were able to leave. Bendy smiled and focused on the good memories.
By the time he finished his good memories, Boris was done with food. Everyone got their share of food, enjoying the taste.
C - ......aaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Causing everyone to startle from their food, Cuphead came barreling past everyone. Star-struck and confused, everyone looked to where Cuphead came from, hearing a growl-like roar followed my the increasing sound of something coming at them. Wasting no time to pack and ask questions later, a giant Fire Tiger appeared, roaring again. Escaping their second wave of shock, everyone ran, screaming as well.
Be - Mr. Felix! What is that?!
F - it looks like a Fire Tiger!
Be - I thought so, it fits your description perfectly!
Bo - Bendy! Focus! We're being chased!
M - Cuphead come back!
Everyone ran, the Fire Tiger close behind. But after running through more woods they came up to a dead end atop a cliff, the ground about 40 or 50 feet below.
C - shit!
Bo - we're trapped! What do we do now?
F - I have an idea. On my signal, Cuphead, Bendy and Boris, move to your right, Mugman, we move left.
M - alright.
Suddenly, the Fire Tiger ran out of the trees, halting to look at his prey. Everyone stood their ground, Felix waiting for the cat to lunge.
F - come on, kitty. I ain't scared of ya. Come on you firey bastard.
The Fire Tiger inched it's way closer, letting out small growls.
Be - M-Mr. F-f-felix?
F - it'll be alright. Wait for my signal.
Suddenly, the Fire Tiger launched towards the five, claws out.
F - move!
Felix and Mugman jumped to the left, Cuphead, Boris, and Bendy jumped to the right. The tiger meowed in surprised, catching itself on the ledge of the cliff but it's momentum pulling it down until a loud crash of rock and branches was heard. The five looked over the cliff, only to see a hole of dismantled branches and trees.
Bo - is it okay?
Be - I think you know the answer Boris.
Boris's ears went down in worry, but came back up when he looked at the view in front of them.
Bo - woah.
It was a pool of varying sizes trees with a giant mountain covering the sun, the rays going around the mountain making the sky and landscape beautiful.
F - that's a beauty.
After taking in the scenery, and forgetting about the tiger, Boris took out the map to see where they were.
Bo - So, we were here, then we ran here, that mountain is there...oh wait! I think that's the mountain that has our next piece!
Be - that's great!...we still don't know what it is.
Bo - don't worry. We'll figure it out when we get to the mountain.
Bendy nodded, smiling at his brothers determination.
Grabbing their bags, the questers made their way around the cliff and towards the mountain.

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