"Oh, (y/n)?" Paimon remarked. "They were with us during the Rite, so yes. Oh, but they're resting here until their feet heal, so hopefully, the Millileth don't search for us here..."

"...(y/n)?" Xiao echoed. For some reason, there was a strange hint of surprise in his voice. Paimon tilted her head innocently as she nodded her head.

"Spell it for me," the Yaksha demanded as his eyes narrowed. He uncrumpled the paper and skimmed it.

"Um, Paimon doesn't actually know how to spell their name...but, oh, it's pretty unique, isn't it? I haven't met another (y/n) before..."

Xiao clicked his tongue before vanishing in a smoke of ash. There was no way for the traveling duo to stop the Yaksha with such an instantaneous disappearance. Not that Aether minded. He finally fulfilled his duty of telling his side of the story to Xiao, just as Moon Carver suggested he do.

"H-how dare he leave like that, laugh! Paimon is really hungry after that interaction...all my energy was sapped!" the flying entity lamented as she drooped over Aether's shoulder. The star boy chuckled as he began walking toward the stairs.

"Well then, I guess we should try fishing for some grilled fish," he suggested.

Immediately, Paimon shot up and flew down the stairs, shouting for Aether to hurry as he laughed once more and followed along.

════ ⋆★⋆ ════

When you woke up, rejuvenated after finally sleeping in a bed for the first time since your arrival into the world of Genshin, the sun was already past its peak in the blue sky. You combed your hair, brushed your teeth, washed your face, and changed your clothes to a new, Liyue-style set that you found at your bedside table. Next to it laid a note by Aether saying to ask the Boss Lady where he was once you woke up, so you were planning on doing just that.

But when you opened the door to the halls, there was a figure standing right in front. Whisps of black and green evaporated in the air around the stranger.

"You're (y/n)," a cold voice muttered. His sharp, golden eyes were shaded by his teal hair, yet it still felt like a hole was being burned into your face. You took a step back and gave a curt smile.

"Yes, I am," you said, irked and wary. "Do you need something from me?"

"Spell your name," the Adeptus said as he crossed his arms intimidatingly. You knew that it was his archetype to be so cold and blunt, but what was with this attitude? 

"And wh-" you paused. Getting on Xiao's bad side would neither help your case nor benefit Aether during his journey. 

The butterfly effect was something you feared dearly.

Taking a deep breath, you remained calm and instead did as he asked, spelling out your name until you reached the last letter and looked up at him, hiding your perplexity with a blank face. However, the Yaksha had a peculiar glint in his eyes, and, unsure of what it could mean, you scrunched your eyebrows at him.

"...What," Xiao finally uttered, "is your relation to Rex Lapis?"

"Oh, did Aether not tell you yet? We watched the Rite of Descension together a few d-"

"Not that," Xiao cut in.

You blinked, surprised, before holding yourself back from snapping at him.

"I have no other relation to him."

It seemed like your answer was deemed useless by the Adeptus who looked to the side and clicked his tongue softly. His clothes rippled slightly as he turned on his heels and walked away without a single word of goodbye.

You waited a few minutes before you, too, strolled down the hall to ask the Verr Goldet where Aether was. The irritation you had for Xiao's attitude almost overrode the burning sensation in your feet.

No, Xiao, you recalled, was wary of mortals because his karma could taint them. You lowered your eyes to your feet. You were now someone of this world--a mortal without any powers. Your position should be of one much lower than an Adeptus who risks his life daily to protect the people of Liyue, someone you're supposed to be at the moment. It would be normal for him to be so curt toward you.

You shivered, an uneasy feeling rising to your throat. The intimidation felt when seeing his golden eyes in person was haunting you at the moment, prompting you to quicken your pace down the stairs, to the lobby. 

Was Xiao watching you? And why did he suddenly ask for your name?

"Oh, traveler, are you feeling well enough to walk?" came the voice of the Boss of Wangshu Inn. 

The genuine worry etched in her face made your questions disappear as you smiled and rasped, "My feet hurt a bit, but I'm alright. Where's Aether?"

"Oh, that boy was up so early today to talk to the Adeptus. He said something about wanting to cook for you when you woke up...He's probably out by the marsh catching some fish now," Verr Goldet smiled.

"Thank you," you replied. "Oh, and thank you for wrapping my feet again. It's feeling a lot better."

Before the Boss could warn you against walking any further, you dashed off outside, looking for your companion. No wonder you didn't see him when you awoke--he was up doing lots of work for the quests.

So what if the Conquerer of Demons suddenly showed up at your door? As long as it benefitted the kind and courageous Aether, so be it. You'll make sure that he can keep that smile on his face throughout his perilous journey.

With this determination, you took a step forward into the sun.

𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ―𝐠. 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐭Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora