new elements

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once usopp pulled into the driveway, yuno groggily hopped out of the car and walked towards the mansion. ned had insisted on listening to weezer during the last third of the trip and kept playing their songs over and over again. yuno hated weezer. she was more of a [REDACTED] fan but wouldn't let anyone know about THAT. aki pulled into the driveway too and looked equally exhausted. both power and denji had thrown up in the back seat but aki couldn't pull over because he would've gotten lost en route back to the mansion.

"wake the hell up," aki shouted at the other two.

"what... Dude is this mr. beast's mansion, i saw about this on freakin youtube the other day! this is so gonna increase my 'rizz' levels ya kno what i mean bro?" denji replied. he was groggy but you couldn't even tell #tbh.

"who is mr. beast..." power mumbled. she was still feeling Ill (and not in the cool way) after eating all of those damn burgers.

"EUGH, rinse those two off with a hose first before they go into the mansion, we SO don't need puke everywhere," yuno said. both ned and usopp solemnly agreed.

yuno handed aki the hose and watched as he sprayed denji and power relentlessly. yuno was a bit concerned... he was having a bit Too much fun with this, wasn't he? but oh well, she understood the vibes to a degree.

once aki finished cleaning denji and power up, everyone went into the mansion lobby. some of the participants were gathered there gossipping about Whatever. usually wth was going on as per usual but also things like petitioning for new entertainment options like disney+ and crunchyroll subscriptions. they were tired of netflix's lackluster options and needed more enrichment. meanwhile, ned and usopp went straight upstairs because they "had things to do", apparently. yuno had learned to never question what BOYS are doing alone because they always gave the most repulsive answers when she asked.

both shinji and deku came out from their rooms and stared at The Staff Team curiously... they honestly had no qualms being here. deku didn't have to worry about getting attacked by any random villains and shinji didn't have to deal with Life™ at the moment so... everything was chill. but who the hell were these random new people?

power rushed up to deku and started growling and making hissing sounds. "WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME? Haven't you ever seen a woman before??? i hate you already, i hope you lose instantly," she snapped.

"i-i didn't even say anything," deku stuttered. he was so freaking confused.

"whatever, i'm outta here. hey wench, show me to my room NOW! and it better be nicer than what stupid 'aki' made me stay in," power said.

"power stfu, stop messing with babies," denji said, yawning in the middle. it was like 2 am so he wasn't even sure why they were just lingering here in the first place. "though i agree, when do we get to see our SICK DIGS? i mean, our swag rooms."

usopp cleared his throat. he had ran upstairs and changed into his strange maid outfit again. "okay newbies, you can follow me to your rooms upstairs. :^)"

denji and power looked at each other incredulously. at aki's house they had to share that stupid room and it was "okay" but sometimes it just got. really strange and awkward. like they didn't even have separate beds and they took shifts sleeping on the floor. denji hated floor day because power left wrappers on the floor and her cat, nyako, would sleep on denji's head and try to suffocate him. denji wasn't sure if that was something power taught nyako to do or if he Just Did That but either way, it was never very comforting or fun. (a/n: i didnt mention him but just imagine nyako came along too #plothole)

"hell. fucking. YES! WOOOO!" denji shouted. he turned to power and the two of them reenacted that one part in breaking bad where jesse gives walter white a high five (idk the context) and theyre hooting and hollering. after jumping around, they followed usopp upstairs ...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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