Imprinting and Annoying Questions

Start from the beginning

His imprints smile grew again.

"Lost your train of thought?" they finished. Their voice smooth like silk and comforting like hot chocolate on a cold day.

Come to think of it they smelled incredible too, coffee grounds, cinnamon and sea salt.

"Yeah." he replied, with an awkward laugh.

"What can I get you?" they asked, Jacob met those glorious eyes again.

"I'm here just here for collection." the awkwardness continued.

"Ah, the errand boy I see." their impish smile was too sweet to be directed at him.

"Yup, that about sums it up. I'm Jacob by the way." he was trying too hard to act cool and he feared it was showing.

"Indigo, but everyone calls me Indi." Jacobs smile blew wide at hearing his imprints name.

He opened his mouth to say something else, he didn't even know what, when Indi's name was called from the kitchen.

Indi sent him a small smile as they turned away.

Jacob was left there at the counter, kicking himself for being so clumsy with words.

He was so busy wallowing in his self pity that he almost jumped when a to go bag was shoved under his nose.

He lurched back and met Indi's amused eyes again.

"Order for collection?" they asked, teasing.

"Thanks." Jacob muttered, cheeks flushing as he took the bag.

He gave a pitiful smile and tiny wave before he turned, leaving his imprint behind him.

Jacob walked back down the road he had only recently walked, only this time he couldn't stop thinking about Indigo. Making plans to go as often as possible without being too creepy or obvious (he wasn't Edward) and getting to know them.

A napkin, half hanging out the bag, tried to blow away in the wind. Jacob caught it in time and was about to shove it back in the bag when writing caught his eye.

It was a number, the words: 'Call me, errand boy' scrawled underneath it.

Jacob's thoughts turned much less miserable after that.

* * *

"Are you sure smoking can't kill you?" asked Jasper, for at least the 3rd time that week.

"Yes. I've stopped doing it inside, so the smell won't bother you, that's the most you're getting." Harry replied firmly.

Jasper rolled his eyes with a sigh but smirked all the same.

"It's not good for you." he insisted.

Harry wanted to scream.

"I think most Doctors would say drinking such a substantial amount of animal blood a week isn't good for you." The sarcastically polite tone was enough to let Jasper know Harry was bored of this lecture.

The blonde held up his hands in defence.

Blissful peace once again filled their glade, they'd gone back to the side of stream. After their first kiss, it had become a special place for them. A hiding place just for them.

Though Mortuus probably knew about it, smug git.

As if hearing Harry's thoughts Jasper asked another annoying question.

"Mortuus was the girl in the parking lot, wasn't she?" Harry tried not to grin.

"Yes, they were." he confirmed.

Jasper turned to Harry with a face filled with realization.

"That's why you called her a they!" he exclaimed.

His face soured.

"I've been misgendering death?" he asked, incredulous and somehow horrified all at once.

Harry laughed.

"They get it all the time, I doubt Mort cares what they're called. I don't think they have any concept of gender or how it feels, use egg as their pronouns and I doubt it would make a difference." Harry couldn't believe he was having this conversation with a, by all accounts, dead solider of the confederate army.

Jasper's face finally turned amused, as if he couldn't believe they were having it either.

Their moment of shared amusement was broken by Jasper's phone going off.

Jasper read the screen and scowled.

"Rosalie. Apparently Edward and Bella are coming back early, some emergency. We're needed back at the house." explained the blonde.

It was Harry's turn to scowl.

"They've been gone less than a week, what could they have done now?" he whined, getting to his feet regardless.

Jasper stood beside him, brushing invisible dirt off his clothes.

"Let's go and find out, shall we Darlin'?" Jasper offered Harry his arm.

They'd been practising side along apparition for a little while now, Jasper was getting better at it. He had insisted on being able to handle Harry's mode of transport and it helped if they needed to get somewhere fast.

Harry smiled lightly and wound his arm around Jasper's, savouring the closeness.

They disappeared with a crack.

Little did the pair know of the situation they were about to be confronted with. 


Jacob is a bi icon.

Jasper is respectful king.

that is all.

i really hope you enjoyed this lil addition, i enjoyed it a lot. shits about to get real fr tho, i wonder what lil belly and eddie could have possibly done in only a few days???? a mystery.

feel free to comment! i love hearing your thoughts, opinions and ideas. much love xoxo

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