Chapter VII

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"sooo was this why you were such a cunt?" Lee said while giving me the fuck me eyes. I didn't know what to say I attempted to mumble something out before I ran out of the room. I sat on the front of my bed not knowing what to do or say.

What about Dina man, she loves me I her? I don't fucking know anymore. I saw a figure walking towards me, I looked up and saw it was Lee.

" Last night at the bar, that dude Dina was with....some asian guy with shortish/longish black hair...he told me they were going on patrols today. I would like to go out to dinner tonight, just you and I. I want to get to know you more, y'know I don't just let anybody take me home and shower me" she said with a smirk then immediately put her head down in case I rejected the offer.

"hold up Dina? was with...Jesse? no fucking way, did they hold hands? wh- was she touchy with him?" I stuttered out all my thoughts. I saw Leea frown, I didn't mean to upset her. I think she thought I wouldn't care.

"okay lemme get this straight, you take me home, undress me, shower me, watch me puke, let me sleep in YOUR bed, AND KISS ME. and all you care about is if your girlfriend who you "love so much" flirted with some dude?" Once she put it that way it hit me, I legit just cheated on my girlfriend and all I cared about was what she did.

"I cant believe I thought things would change because you fucking kissed me. I'm so dumb jesus man" She was about to walk out but I grabbed her wrist before she could. "I would like to go out to dinner with you tonight, just the two of us." Leea smiled but at the same time she looked frustrated and confused with me.

I knew she could tell I was what people used to call a "player." I laughed to myself at the thought. I was going to have to dress nice, I figured we'd go out to eat then come back and watch a movie y'know?

~ four hours later ~  STILL ELLIES POV

I looked at the clock, it read back to me "5:56" our plan was to go there at 6. I put on a nice white button up, I put my hair down but some of it behind my ears, I put on some brown kakis and some dressy black shoes Joel gave me. I was nervous? My stomach felt like it was churning by the second.

I put a black, leather jacket over the white button up, I saw Leea come out in a nice fitting black dress, it hung low on the front near her chest, it was one of those "rich lady" dresses. She had on some silver heals. The boutiques here are fucking bomb, there are so many people in this town that really have brought it together.

"you" was all I managed to get out. "I know" she said sarcastically and with that we walked to the restaurant. I saw that sicko Ben sitting a few tables down with some blonde bimbo. I sat down with Leea, she sitting across from me.

"I was an orphan, I lived in a QZ for awhile until I met Joel" I said randomly to spark the conversation.

"wow...that was okay...well I lived in a town with my older brother, Max and my dad. The town on ruined by raiders and lots and I mean LOTS of infected. I saw my dad get bitten and attacked my older brother, he tried to defend me and Max but in the process got bit too. We didn't realized until I woke up a few hours later, in the woods, freezing by the way. He attacked me, and that's how I got this." I watched Lee show me her forearm, a large scar. Why didn't I notice this before?

"and no it's not a bite, I ran into a sharp object while trying to kill him so that sucked haha."

"I'm so sorry Lee, I..I didn't know. Is that why you and Max are so close?" I asked with curiosity.

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