the first kidnapping

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Yamori walked into the school building as any Normal person would. he grinned a devilish smile as he saw his tiny petite friend, minori kushieda. (a/n: dont ask, me and a friend were watching toradora and tokyo ghoul at the time and thought itd be funny)

some of the people in the building started screaming when they saw him because he was, like, intimidating as fuck. like most japanese men are only like, 5 ft 7. yamori is 6 ft 1. why... why must he be so big.

anyway, yamori started stomping down the hall with his large fatherlike feet. he was like "shut the fuck up" to the people who were screaming.

minori turned around because she could hear yamori's gigantic steps from down the hall.

"EEEKKK YAMORI-CHAN!!!!!!!!~!" she screamed.

it wasn't often that yamori could actually come to see her and they mostly talked on snapchat and discord and shit like that idk. mostly because hes always busy trying to torture people (: no jk hes just always getting lost after a successful hunt.

"hello discord kitten, how ar eyou ..." yamori said in his quietest Loud Voice .

"IM good senpai uwu" she replied. she kind of gave off the uwu/uvu/owo kinda vibe you dig. "Lol we learned about algebra in class today"

"oh, be the x to my y, mino-chan," yamori said. he was bad at interacting with girls but still good enough to make friends .. i guess.

haruta and noto from Ryuuji and minori's class came out with ryuuji and wree like, "holy fuck," because they had never seen this big dude before. okey well ryuuji had been in a discord call with him before and so he grinded his teeth at the thought of having to deal with another discord mod in person but haruta and noto had Never Seen Him Before. this was a frightenint moment for them because theyre short af in comparison. like they were already short before but they were like teensy little bugs compared to this mf.

suddenly... from another class... a new kid came out. she had long, pink hair and grinned at the sight of all of these people coming together. this was all in her favor... but still, some more guests were needed. she pulled the hood of her cryptic hoodie over her head and snuck by the group.

this girl was yuno gasai. so far, she had captured ryuuji, yamori, minori, haruta, noto... and herself. she needed a large group of people to play hide and seek with and that required capturing them from their respective zones.

yamori and minori were none the wiser tho because they didnt pay attention to weird plot twists like yuno gasai coming up to them ..... the next thing they knew, they were in some big ass mansion. it looked like the house from the bachelor(ette) that everyone had to stay in while theyre on the show.

they were suddenly put into one random room and went out to see what the damn situation was...

"yamori-senpai im scared... why are we here??? who brought us here?!" minori squealed :/

"i dont know kitten but when we find them i'll rip their guts out and cook them and–"

"erm. that's uh, enough :) thanks tho" she said

"oops lol"

suddenly, there was a sound. it soudned like another door opening... haruta and noto came out shaking and looked terrified. they must've been more contestants on wahtever the hell was going on. ryuuji was also there but he was alone... taiga was nowhere to be seen for now, i suppose...

then .... she appeared. Yuno Gasai. as all the people who were currently there gathered in the main lobby, they started berating her with questions, mostly of the boring sort... things like "why are we here!" and "who the fuck are you?" and "what's happening?" were asked over and over again. yuno growled...

"guys shut the fuck up i'm going to explain everything in the next chapter. i mean soon," she said blankly.

to be continued ?!?!?!

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