Griffin & Fruit Loopians

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GroupChat   3:45 a.m.

BabyLongLegs: gGuyss
BabyLongLegs: are anyy of u giys awake?/
BabyLongLegs: Hello0?

Dada_Issuses: Wth why are you awake and why are u typing like that???

BabyLongLegs: Ii think i'm hyperventilatingh             

Dada_Issues: as in shaking, crying, and can’t breathe type of hyperventilating?

BabyLongLegs: yesx can soomeone come over plrase?
BabyLongLegs: please*

Dada_Issues: I don't think i can sneak out srry griff

Dr.Paper: I can come as im already on my way

BabyLongLegs: mmk juust be safe


Group Chat   9:23 a.m.

Pinballess: So can someone tell me what the hell was happening last night?

GrandmaMint: seems like griffy was hyperventilating

Dada_Issues: The fact that Billy is still at Griffin's house is adorable. I wish someone was like that with meeeee (〃´ω'〃)

Dr.Paper: and he is sleeping peacefully right beside me

Dada_Issues: nah bro even got to sleep in the same bed why don't i have something like thissss

BandanaBird: I'm here for you, finney, i'll do anything you'd want. I could come to ur house to chillax 🙂

GrandmaMint: bro is fr down bad for him. Would take a bullet for him 🥱

Pinballess: ffs istg

GrandmaMint changed the chat name to ‘Fruit Loopians

BandanaBird: we neeeeeeeed to choose the colors

Dada_Issues: yessss

Pinballess: What. In. The. World.

GrandmaMint: Ok i'll be green

Dada_Issues: I'll be blue.

BandanaBird: i'll be orange

Pinballess: i'll be yellow i guess 🙄

Dr.Paper: Ill be red and griff is purple

BabyLongLegs: yessss

GrandmaMint: GRIFF R U OK??!?!!?!?

BabyLongLegs: yeah i'm fine now, it was just a panic attack

Pinballess: ewww gays 🤮

Dada_Issues: bro u cant be talking- u be talking about bruce 24/7 😑

Pinballess: no i don't you expired rat catcher

GrandmaMint: 😍 🫢 😊 🥴 😵‍💫 😳 ❣️ 💅 😍 🫢 😊 🥴 😵‍💫 😳 ❣️ 💅 😍 🫢 😊 🥴 😵‍💫 😳 ❣️ 💅😍 🫢 😊 🥴 😵‍💫 😳 ❣️ 💅😍 🫢 😊 🥴 😵‍💫 😳 ❣️ 💅?!?!?!?!?!

BabyLongLegs: Listening to deebo by CB & IZZYMONEYIZZZ on repeat hbu 😍????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

BandanaBird: Nahh

Dada_Issues changed BabyLongLegs’s name to PurpleGriff💜
Dada_Issues changed BandanaBird’s name to OrangeRob🧡
Dada_Issues changed GrandmaMint’s GreenBru💚
Dada_Issues changed Pinballess’s name to YellowVan💛
Dada_Issues changed Dr.Paper’s name to RedBill❤️
Dada_Issues changed Dada_Issues’s name to BlueFinn💙

RedBill❤️: yessirrrrrrrr

YellowVan💛: istg finney, if u don't change my name back to something less gay than i will shove your dead mother’s corpse down your throat. 🤬

GreenBru💚: GASPS?!?!

BlueFinn💙 muted YellowVan💛 for 1 hour

BlueFinn💙: bro brought my mother into this, it was bound to happen.

OrangeRob🧡: Thank god, i was about to kill him

RedBill❤️: Ong

PurpleGriff💜: haha lol 🤣 vance is a little weenie meanie baby man


RedBill❤️: bro is writing a whole description for vance and his babyness

GreenBru💚: how do u know?

RedBill❤️: because he texted me? And sent a pic?

PurpleGriff💜: i said dont tell anyone yet!

RedBill❤️: sorry 😢

OrangeRob🧡: yall srsly fight like a married couple

BlueFinn💙: yah like everyday, and then u make up

GreenBru💚: and after that, u guys cant keep ur hands off of each other

PurpleGriff💜: Ok just get of your phones before you get caught because we r still in school -_-

... I won't do it... I won't speak... I promise mother 🙏 anygaysss uh yah no not anymore. One more update left for todayyyyy yesssirrrr  - Hørrør_Löv3r (DaLastRewrittenStars ♡)

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