Six Minutes or More of Adams Perspective: Part 3

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Adams Perspective

As I touched down on the ground and looked around I saw people going about their day's and lots of places. Finally out of that hell I thought, though I was probably being way too optimistic because realistically there was no doubt they were going to come looking for me. Might as well enjoy this little outing while I can. As I walked across the sidewalk I looked around to see...nothing of interest. Sure there were some food places but I don't eat food, and as for the other places I had no idea what they were. Maybe I should've listened more when Brynleigh was trying to teach me the wonders of shopping. Though if I don't know whats in those places I might as well check them out right?

I walked towards a random place that I hoped wasn't food related and went inside. Inside there was a bunch of tables and what seemed to be people throwing balls across long strips of wood? Apparently I took to long to look around cause a girl in an employee's uniform came up to me and asked, "Hello! Welcome, are you lost or just taking a moment to look around?" Ah right I did have the appearance of a child and, to be fair I AM 16 so... "Hello human girl, what do you do at this place?" She looked at me seeming confused but answered anyways, "Do you not know what bowling is?" "No what's that?" She seemed to be debating whether or not she should try and call security or something but she decided against it. "Oh well, follow me?" She walked towards the place where long strips of wood were lined up next to each other. Upon further inspection there seemed to be long white things at the end of the long strips of wood. Though calling them long strips of wood is very boring and a pain so I'm gonna call them...Wood strips.

As we approached one of the wood strips she picked up what seemed to be a ball with holes carved into it. "So, this is called a bowling ally and you pick up one of these, which are called bowling balls." She then went on to explain the point of this place, apparently you pick up the balls and throw them towards the white things which are called pins and see how many you can knock down. Well I suppose humans need entertainment as well don't they? She then proceeded to demonstrate what you actually do. She knocked down 8 pins and after it was reset I picked the bowling ball up. "So like this?" I proceeded to throw the ball with all my strength towards the pins knocking them all down! Yeah! 10 points for Adam! "I-I, boy uhm." Why was she panicking? Oh, upon further inspection I did appear to damage behind the pins severely as there was now a large hole in there. And also the metal thing used to reset the pins somehow got entirely destroyed somehow. Huh, I guess I am sorta strong compared to the average human aren't I? "You're paying for that understood?" "Paying for it? What do you mean paying for it?" "You damaged our property! The business needs to repair that and since we weren't the ones who caused it it's you whose paying us to fix it!" Her demeanor completely changed to one of confused but joyful to frustrated and angry. "But I don't have any money?" I wasn't lying this time, "Then you're going to be sentenced to juvie!" "What's juvie?" She looked completely shocked now and asked, "How do you not know what these things are!? Do you know what jail is? Juvie is jail for children now come with me this instant!" Ohhh. Well unfortunately for her I didn't intend on going to jail for this. "HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING GET BACK HERE!" As I ran outside the building I quickly hopped on my hover board and zoomed away. Haha! Humans are so hilarious sometimes aren't they?

As I touched down on they ground again some people seemed to be staring at me shocked, it's not everyday you see someone fly around on a real hoverboard is it? As I walked away from them I decide to enter another building that I had no idea was about. Cause that went so well last time didn't it? Nah, I have the moral compass of a, well I can't really think of anything to compare it to actually, I have the moral compass of someone who only cares about very limited things! Yeah big shocker I don't just care about myself. I did care for Cam, Badger (Dr. Whittier) and Holiday at one point though,

A Six Minutes Fan-Fiction Between Adam and Magnus.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat