Ben stood up, patting the bed beside her foot. "Good night, girls," he told both of them as he headed towards the door.

"Good night," Claudia replied while Kimmy laid down. She reached over to turn on the lamp on her nightstand and Ben turned the ceiling fan light off so it wouldn't be too bright for Kimmy, reminding Claudia not to stay up too late.

"Yeah, yeah." Claudia returned to her reading.

-- & --

Kayla was saying good night to Miguel and Mary when Ben stuck his head in to do the same. Miguel wanted a hug and kiss from him when he saw Ben.

Ben gladly went over and leaned over to wrap the boy in his arms, kissing the side of his forehead. "Good night, buddy. Sweet dreams, okay?"

"Good night, Tio." Miguel squeezed Ben in return.

He then headed through the bathroom to Mary to do the same.

Once all four of their foster kiddos were taken care of, Ben and Kayla headed to their room to get ready for bed.

While Ben was changing in their closet, he noted he spoke to Kimmy's mother over the phone so Kimmy could say good night and let Kayla know she had their phone numbers.

"Did you make sure to supervise the conversation the entire time?" Kayla asked from the bathroom.

"Yep," he replied, changing into a white undershirt he wore to bed. "Stella seems understanding and cooperative. At least with us. She's appreciative of us sending texts and photos to keep her posted on how Kimmy's doing."

"I can imagine," she said in a sympathetic tone.

Ben finished changing and joined Kayla to brush his own teeth, which she asked how he was doing. He wasn't sure how to answer.

Ben thought back on the day. What stood out to him the most was in the kitchen when he was letting her decide dinner, and how she got so overwhelmed, it brought on tears.

Kayla sensed his silence and reached over to touch his arm, reminding him to give it time.

He loved this job so much that it wasn't even a job to him. Kayla's salary paid most of their bills and stuff, so the money they received for being foster parents went directly to support the kids, including fun trips on the weekend and school breaks. School lunches, visitation with family members, helping someone with their homework, playing a game. Sure, there may have been rough days, but seeing a kid smile, much less laugh, after the trauma these kids have been through felt all worth it and Ben wanted to do all he could to help them, no matter how long they were in their home.

Since Kayla needed to work on the week's Bible study chapter, she and Ben stayed up a little while longer and discussed it together.

-- & --

The next morning, Kayla insisted on taking over getting the kids up and ready for school while Ben focused on breakfast and lunch. Though, poor Kimmy got a rude awakening, along with a heart attack when Claudia's alarm clock went off.

She tried going back to sleep since she wasn't enrolled yet. But since Kayla had to go back to work and Ben was taking the other kids to school, she had to get up, anyway.

Kimmy came down, dressed in basketball shorts and a graphic T-shirt with Minecraft characters on the front.

Ben greeted her when she came around the corner. "Do you like oatmeal?"

Kimmy shrugged.

He chuckled. "Well, care to try some? Mine's a homemade recipe."

Kimmy shrugged some more, so he scooped some oatmeal into a bowl and took it over to the table for her, since it was hot.

Hidden Burdens (working title)Where stories live. Discover now