"Touya is alive?" He doesn't seem angry that you know about it. Yet. "What the fuck happened in that camp?"

"Exactly what I said, Hawks," You can't hide it any longer. He's gonna be pissed but since Hina never told him then... "I wanted Hina to tell you but..."

"Hina?" He frowns. "What does Hina have to do with this, she wasn't at the camp, was she?"

"No," Well, now the cat's out of the bag. You have to tell him about that night and if you're being honest you're so done with secrets. "She was not there. Look, can we just be honest? Please? I won't be mad, just please no more lies, I can't handle anymore lies."

He sits down on the chair, nodding. He exhales deeply, crossing his fingers.

"The mission I was sent to," He starts, looking at you like he's proving he's telling the truth this time. "Was involved with the League. I had to capture Giran, a person who brings in anyone who might be interested in joining the League. One night I heard him talking to Dabi and Shigaraki, their leader, came in after a while, saying something about a mission. When I called you last night, it all connected. I didn't know what their mission was, I promise, I just connected the dots too late for me to actually do something. I contacted the commission to send reinforcements but they refused to endanger the possibility of the League finding out they're being spied on.

"I did lie to you about one other thing, though. Hina has secretly been in contact with me for the past three months. I didn't tell you because I wasn't sure what Hina was planning and if the League was involved. Turns out, she just wants to leave them and come back to us. She said that once she's ready to leave she'll let me know but every time something gets in the way and gets postponed. She will be back, though, and so will Bakugo. The police with other heroes are investigating already and putting up a plan."

Damn, all you had to do was listen to him. You don't blame yourself for reacting that way, though, you're dealing with a lot.

Now, it was your turn to tell him everything. You started from the night in Kyushu, right after you left Kei's apartment and then explained everything that happened at the camp. From the moment he called you, until the moment you saw Katsuki being taken by Dabi.

Surprisingly, he wasn't angry. He didn't even react the way you thought he would. He just...sat there and listened calmly.

"I see..." That's all he says. Seriously, why is that all he says?

"You're...You're not angry with me?" He looks at you confused.

"Why would I be angry?" Now it's your turn to be confused. "Hina most likely wanted to keep Dabi's identity a secret; I understand that. You didn't tell me because you wanted her to tell me. You wanted to do the right thing."

"Okay, Mr. I-read-people-like-a-book," He smiles, finally making the mood lighter. "I got it."

"It's one of my talents." You roll your eyes because he really has amazing skills when it comes to reading others. A knock is heard on the door, showing Asami behind it.

"Everything okay?" She asks you more than Kei, squinting her eyes like she's suspicious Kei is making things worse.

"Yeah, don't worry." You finally smile.

"Now, rest, okay? I have..." He glances at Asami. "A much tougher opponent to fight."

"Damn, I don't know what you do but teach me sometime."

"Nooo, no, no, no! I'm not having two of you messing around with me."

"Messing around?" She smirks, mouthing "watch this" at you when Kei isn't looking. "With all due respect, sir," You watch as Kei's expression changes in an instant after the honorific she used. "I do not believe I am-"

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