game of chess anyone?

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As you were walking, you heard someone sigh as a board of life sigh, which you quickly listened and followed where it was coming but once you did saw someone in a black and white outfit and mask, which had taken you by surprise before you could leave he had seen you and gently dragged you to the game of chess

You knew that you never really played chess before so he explained it before you both got started with the game, but once you did you had won the first 2 rounds before he won the last

Whats your name? you asked him in which he respond with a polite manner with a soft bow

My name is the chess master he said and you nodded and stood up and smiled at him it was nice playing chess with you then chess master! Goodbye now! you said as you were leaving which had taken him by surprise but sighed softly

Goodbye y/n was all he said before taking his things and walking away back to the Slenderman mansion.

You ended up getting sick the next night as it was raining but then your parents left for the night to get dinner when you heard a knock at the door, so you answered it and saw the chess master again, so you invited him on into your and played chess before he left before your parents got back to the house.

creepypasta oneshots/smutshots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora