Chapter 1 : A unusual feeling

Start from the beginning

She turned away from the window and thought to herself, "Is he crazy? Or maybe he was waiting for someone. Who knows."

Suddenly a thought comes to her mind.

"Hey, wait. Is he following me?"

When she turned back towards the window. But the boy was already gone.

"Maybe I'm overthinking it,"

Then she jumped on the bed and asleep in three seconds.

One hour later............


A strange sound drowns her out from a profound sleep. Then she sat up on the bed.

"Where is the sound coming from?"

Then she got up from the bed wearing her slippers and walked towards the window of her room. She felt that the sound was coming from outside.

Through the window glass, she saw a girl standing at the door of her house.

"Who is she? Why do I feel like I know her?"

She walks out of the room and begins walking down the stairs to reach the main door of the house. When she reached the main door, she opened the door and saw her friend standing at the door. Her friend wears a wizard costume.

Anna raises her eyebrows and says, "Why have you worn a wizard costume?"

Her friend pursed her lips and said, "Did you forget that there's a costume party at my house today?"

"Oh, I forgot. Sorry, you go, I'll be there in a bit," says Anna.

"Okay, but come to my house quickly," her friend says and walks away from the house.

As Anna was about to close the door, suddenly her eyes fell on a boy who was standing on the street. The boy looks familiar to him. As if she had seen her somewhere. Then she remembered that just a moment ago she had seen her on the street from her room.

"Why was he standing there like a statue?" She grumbled. Then she started stepping towards him but still, she was quite far away from him.

"Hey what are you doing?" she shouted.

But he did not give him any answer.

She became angry and then took a few more steps towards him. But the boy was still standing in one place.

She then angrily says, "Hey, why don't you answer me?"

He then turns to her and says, 'How do I look?'

When Anna sees his face, she covers her face with her hands and screams.

She screams because his face is blank. Eyes, eyebrows, nose and lips were missing from his face. Then Anna became unconscious.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself on her bed. Because she was sleeping. Then she immediately sat on the bed. Her back was completely drenched in sweat.

"Ahh! That guy is bothering me a lot." She grumbled.

She looks at the clock to see the current time. The current time displayed on the clock was 6:00 p.m.

"Oh my god. I have to finish my homework but I don't want to do it right now."

She got up from the bed and wore slippers. She then walked out of her room and steps down the stairs to meet her mother in the lobby. When she reached the lobby. Her mother heard Anna's footsteps. She turned her head back and said, "Honey, did you know that the serial killer has killed another victim?"

"It's getting serious now," Anna replied to her mother.

Then she walks towards the couch and sits on it and begins watching the news on TV with her mother.

The news anchor was saying "According to the latest information received from the police" they are saying that there was a person at the time when the third murder happened. He saw that he was there and standing behind the car when the killer was killing that person. It could be seen that the murderer was killing the man in a very strange manner. He didn't stab or shoot him, he just stood in front of the man. But our witnesses could see that the person who was in front of the murderer could not breathe and then fell on the floor. Because of the mask the killer was wearing at the time, he could not see the face of the strange boy. But suddenly his attention gets distracted by a strange sound. When he turned towards the killer, the killer was already gone. He couldn't see where he went, so, that's all for now, we'll meet after a short break.

"Why do I think the boy I saw through the window today was the killer?"

Who was the murderer and who was the boy that Anna had seen from her window?

It's not going to happen what you think but it will happen something sinister.

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Have a nice day ❣️

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