The beginning

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It was a Friday on the first week back to school. The first week was fine. You were still with your friendship group, which were known as the weirdos.It was you, Luisa, Olivia and Rhea.

 I was treated like shit in year 7 because I was the Indian neek.I would have oil in my hair(Indian thing) and my hair wasn't that long, it was short so it was just greasy looking and my hair was in a low pony tail.No one would want to talk to me and I wasn't very social because of my friendship group, they would make me feel as if they were my only friends, so I never tried making new friends. Luisa didn't like me at all, but Olivia and Luisa were best friends so they would just think of it as a joke whenever Olivia hit me. Me and Rhea were good friends though.She was bisexual and had curly hair, but obviously I mess up all my friendships...

I went to a girls private school and we had a neighboring boys school. My parents were very strict so they would walk me to school and back and no boys would ever look at me.None.They would just look at the other girls because they were perfect. They weren't Indian. They didn't have glasses. They had perfect hair. They knew how to dress and wear makeup.That wasn't me though.This year is  going to be different though. It's the story of my life, but with different names of people included in my story.Hope you enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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