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Hello, my name is Kay and I am a trans male, also a disabled person i have ADHD, craniosynostosis and cerebellar hypoplasia. Due to my cerebellar hypoplasia it has caused me to have balance disabilities which has caused me to fall over a lot and has caused me to have no skin on my legs. I have had operations on my eye and head, your probably wondering why im writing this book, well because i want people to know that disabled people can write books too! I have always wanted to write like matt Haig or j.k Rowling because they write the most amazing books. "Well 13 year olds cant write books!" I may be 13 but i want to be a big author one day, every since i was little i have been really good at descriptive writing and used to get rewards for it. to be honest its the only thing ive been good at! But anyway my book is about ghost (mwf 2) and quite a while ago I made a head cannon for him which I think is kinky and cute ....I hope you enjoy my book! Just a warning before you start this book does contain smut lol this is another account and this book is copied by my other account that I got logged out of~ Kay

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