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"It was very hard for Drishti to face her life ." Her life had came to point where she had no source of happiness. Drishti was actually suffering loneliness. Her boss always used to gave her a lot of work nd pressure . Her best friend left her . Their friendship
lasted for 9 years. She had actually no friends anymore in her life . Slowly Slowly all her friends became stranger . After some months she started living all herself ❤️.She also quit her job and started working on her passion . She is now working on nail art , making scrunchies at home nd selling it , stitching tops , reusing t shirts . She is also a make up artist . She learnt all these things at the age of 21. She lives life her own . Now Drishti don't believe in friends anymore . Her thinking is to be her at her work and learn new things .
That hard face was necessary for her to change . She believed and loved her friends a lot ❤️. She was unaware that they were just using her nd wanted her to not to be successful in her life .
In this face her parents supported a lot .


Rakshit's head rested peacefully against the bark of the willow tree, back floated on a bed of grass and his feet were gliding in the calm water of the lake, occasionally being nibbled by various fish. It was the perfect atmosphere to have a little nap; however Rakshit knew that if he fell asleep he would regret getting to admire the lake's precious beauty on this spectacular day. The sky was as clear as sapphire, the sun was a rosy apricot colour and was surrounded by pillows of clouds and somehow my imagination managed to convince me that there were little angels dancing and prancing above them. The sky looked even more radiant in the lake's refection; it added a glittery appeal to it, magical. He was observing each nd everything of nature. Rakshit was relaxing at beach in the evening . He was a bit stressed bcz of his deal .

Meet Rakshit Shergill who is CEO of RSG company . He own many companies and orphanages. Millionaire at just the age of 22 .Loves his family a lot especially his mother . He don't talks much nd is always in his bossy tone .

Meet Drishti Sharma who is make up artist at the age of 21. Small -small things makes her happy !
Loves her parents a lot . Recovering her hard face of life she starting travelling and discovering things . Believes in love ❤️.


Heyaaaa hope you all are going good !
Hoping that you all liked this one >>>> I'll give regular updates now bcz no is writing story on Drikshit 🥲
Like nd comment plssss>>>>

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