Hiro's Hardship: Chapter Three

Start from the beginning

"Soon," his father said.

"What about all of the nanobots?" Hiro asked.

"What nanobots?" his father asked, a confused look coming over his haggard features.

"The ones that are going to help me make my antibodies?" Hiro announced. "What happened to them?"

"They had to be cleansed from your system, Hiro," the nurse said. "We are not sure if they caused the allergic reaction, but the doctors decided to not take any chances. You will have to make antibodies against all the diseases on your own, without the help of the nanobots, I am afraid."

"Fu!" Hiro blurted.

"Hiro! Watch your language," Diana Al-Fadi scolded. "I am sorry, Nurse! He has no idea what he is saying and I don't know where he learned that."

"Wha . . .? Dad says that all the . . ."

"That is quite enough, Hiro!" his father said, sharply.

"It is all right, Mrs. Al-Fadi. I have heard much, much worse in here," Nurse Tiza laughed.

"Can I have something to eat? I am hungry!" Hiro said.

"We will check with the doctor and see if it is all right," Nurse Tiza said.

"Really. I am fine!" Hiro insisted. "All I need is a little nourishment." He patted his round, protuberant belly and smiled his most persuasive smile at the nurse.

"I am sorry, Hiro. Rules are rules and the doctor will have to decide when it is safe for you to eat."

"Oh. Well . . . I have to go to the bathroom," Hiro said.

"Go ahead. You have a catheter in place," the nurse said.

"A what?" Hiro asked, with a frown. "I have to pee."

"Go ahead and pee. You have a tube in your bladder."

"I have a tube in there, too?" shrieked Hiro. "Have you no decency? Have you no shame? How can you do this to a little boy?"

"Hush, Hiro," Gerard Al-Fadi said, his brows lowered. "Enough theatrics. They had to give you a lot of fluids. It made sense to empty your bladder."

"Take it out! Take it out! HOW DARE YOU!"

"Calm down, Hiro Philippe Al-Fadi, or we will leave! Behave yourself!" Gerard Al-Fadi ordered.

Hiro scrunched up his face and peeked under his blankets. Sure enough, there was a clear tube draining golden liquid from his unmentionable. It was humiliating!

"I will remove your catheter, Hiro," Nurse Tiza said, with a gentle smile, "if your parents are happy to step out for a moment."

"No! They have to stay! Make sure you do this right!" Hiro shrieked.

"Hiro," Diana Al-Fadi said, in a warning voice. Now he really had to be careful. It was Mom talking, in her 'you better be careful or watch out!' voice.

"I have nothing you haven't seen before, Mum! You have to stay," Hiro insisted.

"The nurse is not going to pull your penis off, Hiro," his father said. "Stop acting like this. It is embarrassing. I expect my son to be brave. Never show your fear. Never show your weakness. Never let them see you cry. Laugh, in the face of terror. That is what it means to be an Al-Fadi! Live up to the name!"

"Yes, Dad," Hiro said, with a pout.

"And never pout."

Hiro's Hardship (A Welcome To The Madhouse Prequel)Where stories live. Discover now