Hiro's Hardship: Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"Jude!" Hiro shouted, as he came out of the treatment room and ran up to the little blonde-haired boy, who was standing in the waiting room with his mother.

"What did you get?" Hiro asked.

"Immunization for every disease imaginable," Jude said, with a grimace. "I am a walking nanobot container, at the moment."

"Yeah! Isn't that perb?" Hiro exclaimed, jumping up and down.

Frowning, Jude asked, "Why?"

"I got the physician AI to give me all od its medical files! I already have tons of my own!We could play with the nanobots in your system! We could grow you a green mustache!" Hiro said, with a huge, optimistic grin.

Jude narrowed his blue eyes at Hiro. "Are you sprained? Grow yourself a green mustache! My parents would kill me, if they saw me with one of those!"

"I am the doctor! You are the patient! I can't do the treatments on myself? How would that be practicing medicine?" Hiro exclaimed.

"You are no doctor, as far as I am concerned," Jude said, with a roll of his large blue eyes. "I would have to be crazy to let you anywhere near me!"

"But Jude! Just think of the opportunities! I could maybe make you into a superkid! Super strong, super fast, super smart!"

"I am already super smart, Hiro," Jude said, with a sigh. "I don't need to be super fast or super strong."

"How about . . . taller?" Hiro asked.

Jude paused, mouth hanging open, his two front teeth not fully descended. He stared at Hiro with narrowed, skeptical eyes.

"You are just twisting me," he accused Hiro.

"You never know, Jude! Let me study the programs I got!" Hiro said, almost vibrating with excitement.

"I didn't say, 'yes'," Jude mumbled.

"We could be superkids! No more getting beat up!" Hiro said, softly.

"It would just mean I would have to be even more worried than I am now," Jude said. "I would be even more likely to kill someone, than I was before. No thanks, Hiro."

"Wait, Jude! Don't make a decision now! Think on it! Just give me some time!" Hiro whispered, as he suddenly saw his mother and Jude's mother turn towards them.

"Let's go, Hiro," Diana Al-Fadi said, with a smile and then, the beginnings of a frown.

"How are you boys feeling?" Jude's mother asked, a frown coming over her face as well.

"Fine, Mum," Jude said.

"I . . ." Hiro said, and that was it . . .

Hiro awoke in a strange room, with all sorts of things sticking out of him: his nose, his mouth, his arms. He could barely move. He was surprised there wasn't something sticking out of his eyes! He could hear all sorts of beeping, whining, and chirruping. That meant there weren't things shoved in his ears, at least.

He tried to shout, "Where am I?" but there was a bunch of hard stuff in his mouth! When he tried to yank the things out of his mouth, he discovered he could not move his arms! He started to flail around, trying to free his hands, when he heard a strange voice.

Hiro's Hardship (A Welcome To The Madhouse Prequel)Where stories live. Discover now