[5] Him

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Infuriating stupid little —


The single word fluttered so loudly across her mind that he snapped his gaze toward her. Eyes narrowing. He was sure that he would kill her before the week was up. She tickled at his rage and poked at his already thinning patience.

"Why are we here?" She asked too many questions, and she had another thing coming if she thought he would entertain her with any answers.

"Do you ever shut up?" He asked as he pulled into the docking bay of the larger ship. Once they landed, he stood up and she backed away. For the love of everything if she ran again, he would knock her out. She was much lovelier when she was asleep.

"I'm not going out there." she said pointing toward the view of the storm troopers moving about. Each holding their first order issued blasters. Even if they decided to try for her, which they wouldn't, they weren't the best of shots. Placing the helmet back on she turned sharply toward him. She didn't like it. Good.

"You either walk off this ship or I will drag you out by your hair. It's your choice." Disgust flickered across her eyes. That was a start, if he could change that to hate they would be really getting somewhere.

She crossed her arms over her chest but said nothing so he opened his arms, gesturing her to go, she would move ahead of him. There was only a moment of hesitation and he thought he was really going to have to wrap her ridiculously long tresses around his hand and yank her off, but her feet started to move. Too bad.

Everyone in the docking bay seemed to watch as they went. She looked so small standing beside him. In a tattered dress, no shoes, like she had been in a fight. If that was all the fight that she had in her then she wouldn't make it here. There was something that told him he was just touching the tip of the iceberg when it came to her.

"Brought back a stray." He was not in the mood for this. There was a sour look on Hux's face as he took her in from head to toe. She was uncomfortable being scrutinized and he smirked under his helmet at her thoughts. One word louder than the others.


"I expect you to fill out a mission report." he said, snapping his orbs over to the Commander. He had always tried to make Ren fall into place but there was nothing in this galaxy that would have the force user bending to Hux of all people. The idea was laughable.

"You'll be disappointed then." He answered, putting his hand on her shoulder. She flinched under the contact but obeyed as he urged her to keep moving toward her left and down the hall.

"I want my report Ren!" He hollered as the distance grew. He wouldn't get anything of the sorts. This was way above his pay grade and Kylo didn't have the energy to hold his hand through the complexities of what this girl meant for the order.

"Could you at least tell me why I'm here?" She asked, tone hushed. He didn't even have an answer for that. He wasn't sure what the supreme leader would think of her. He might choose to dispose of her. What a shame that would be, after all his efforts to.

"We'll find out in a couple days." he finally answered. When they were back at Starkiller, he could present her to Snoke himself and he could decide what was to be done with her. She scoffed but he decided to ignore it as they stopped in a room full of linens and clothes for the troopers. Grabbing black sweats and a t-shirt he tossed them to her along with a towel.

She fumbled to catch them, dropping some of the garb and having to pick them up. He pushed her out of the room continuing down that hall. "I can walk just fine without you shoving me." She announced and he sighed despite himself.

When they arrived at the door, he was heading for he opened it with the force. "You will stay here unless escorted by me and no one else." he stated knowing if she did run, she wouldn't get very far. "There is a bathroom for you to freshen up. I'll be back in an hour." She blinked before red blossomed on her cheeks.

He sensed the stir of anger in her gut. "You expect me to sit around and wait for you like a dog?" She asked, and he paused in the doorway. Not bothering to turn around as he addressed her.

"Yes." He answered coolly. "Now sit and stay, pup." He added before the door slammed shut.

Despite the steel door he could hear her screaming at him but didn't care enough to listen to the words she was saying. He had more pressing matters to attend to. Starting with informing security that she should never be walking around the ship unless she was accompanied by him. If she did try something they would detain her but not harm a hair on her head. No, he would do that.

She was scared of him, yes but she wasn't broken. If he had it his way, he would train her till her bones ached and muscled cried. Till his word was law and he could trust her to carry out the duties of him and the Darkside.

After meeting with them, as much as he did NOT want to play babysitter, he would take her to the mess hall for food. The last thing he needed was her to be emaciated when he presented her to the supreme leader. Just four days and then he would either leave her to Snoke or be asked to ram his saber through her heart.

Ren felt some type of way about the latter option. If only because of the time he had put into her already. That wasn't including what he would have to do for her over the next 96 hours. He was the last person anyone should trust to take care of another being.

It was too much work. Three meals a day, sleep, and mind stimulation. That wasn't even including the fact that she didn't want to be here. The longer she was away from home, accepting she wasn't leaving the more riled up she would get.

He was sure of it. 

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